Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/596

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576 CUMBERLAND Georg Wilhelm, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt. She, who was b. 2 Mar. 111%, d. ^9 June 1841, and was bur. at Herrenhausen. The King of Hanover d. at the palace of Herrenhausen 18, and was bur. there 26 Nov. 1851,0 aged 80. VI. 1851. 2. H.R.H. George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland and Tiviot- dale, also Earl of Armagh [I.], and from 18 Nov. 1851 to 20 Sep. 1866 (when deposedQ) by Prussia) King of Hanover, as also Duke of Brunswick- Lilneburg, only s. and h., ^. 2 7 May 1 8 1 9, at Berlin ; Col. in chief, 4th regt. ofDragoons in the Hanoverian army;G.C.H.i82 5;() K.G.15 Aug.i835;('*) Knight of the Golden Fleece of Spain; Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour of France, i860; Commander of Maria Theresa of Austria; and Knight Grand Cross of St. Stephen of Hungary. After his deposition in 1866, he resided chiefly in Paris, but became a General in the British army, 1876. He »?., 18 Feb. 1843, Alexandrine Marie Wilhelmine Katherine Charlotte Therese Henriette Luise Pauline Elisabeth Friederike Georgine, ist da. of Joseph Georg Friedrich Ernst Karl, Duke of Saxe- Altenburg, by Amalie Therese Luise Wilhelmine Philippine, da. of Ludwig Friedrich Alexander, Duke of WCrtemberg. He d. 12 June 1878, in Paris, aged 59, his funeral being celebrated at the Lutheran church, Rue Chaucat, in that city, whence he was removed to St. George's chapel, Windsor, and there bur. on the 25th. The Ex-Queen of Hanover, his widow, who was b. 14 Apr. 1818, V.A. (ist class), d. 9 Jan. 1907. (f) Though the most unpopular, " Of all the sons of George III he was the one who had the strongest will, the best intellect, and the greatest courage." See an appreciative Life of him by H. Morse Stephens, in Diet. Nat. Biog. He took an active part in the House of Lords as a strong Protestant and Tory. The Whig Greville, in his Memoirs, vol. i, p. 180, gives a very unfavourable account of him as "a mixture of narrow-mindedness, selfishness, truckling, blustering, and duplicity, with no object but self, his own ease, and the satisfaction of his own fancies and prejudices." George IV is stated, in the same work, to have accounted for the Duke's unpopularity thus: "Because there never was a father well with his son, or husband with his wife, or lover with his mistress, that he did not try to make mischief between them." V.G. (*>) Though blind since 1834, he was present at Langensalza, and re- mained under the fire of the Prussians at that battle, 27 June 1866, the day previous to the final capitulation of the Hanoverians, who were then surrounded by far superior numbers. (■=) Not 1827 as in Shaw, nor 1830 as in Doy/e. V.G. (<*) " Le Prince George est un aimable et beau jeune homme, priv^ a I'age de quinze ans et apres de vives douleurs de la vue; c'est un objet tout k la fois de piti6 et d'admiration, resignd comme un ange, sans impatience, sans regrets, sans humeur . . . il inspire d6ja dans son jeune age tout le respect d'une grande vertu. L'improvisation sur le piano est la distraction a laquelle il pr^f^re se livrer." (Duchesse de Dino, Chronique, 31 July 1834). V.G.