Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/597

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CUMBERLAND 577 VII. 1878. 3. H.R.H. Ernest Augustus William Adolphus George Frederick, Duke of Cumberland and Tiviot- dalEjC) also Earl of Armagh [I.], as also Duke of Brunswick-LOiieburg, only s. and h., b. 21 Sep. 1845, at Hanover; entered the Hanoverian army,' 1862; Col. 42nd regt. of Infantry in the Austrian army, 1866; Major Gen. in the British army, 1886; Lieut. Gen. 1892; Gen. 1898; Grand Cross of Hanover; Knight of Maria Theresa of Austria, 1866; K.G. 23 June 1878. On 18 Oct. 1884, by the death of his (distant) cousin, Wilhelm, Duke of Brunswick, he became the representative of that house, and, by proclamation of the same date, signed "Ernst August" and issued from Gmunden in Upper Austria, gave notice that thereby he took possession of the Duchy of Brunswick. No further proceedings, however, occurred. He w., 21 Dec. 1878, at Copenhagen, Thyra Arnalie Karoline Charlotte Anna, 3rd and yst. da. of Christiern IX, King of Denmark, by Luise Wilhelmine Friederike Karoline Auguste Julie, da. of Wilhelm, Landgrave of Hesse. She, who was b. 29 Sep. 1853, at Copenhagen, is C.I. [George William Christian Albert Edward Alexander Frederick Waldemar Ernest Adolf, Duke of Brunswick-LDneburg, ist s. and h. ap., ^.28 Oct. 1880, at Gmunden, in Austria, and bap. there. He was killed in a motor car accident, 20 May 19 12, at Friesach, while on his way to Copenhagen to attend the funeral of King Frederik of Denmark.C")] [Ernest Augustus, Duke of Brunswick-LOneburg, 3rd() and only surv. s. and h. ap., b. 17 Nov. 1887.] CUMBERNAULD See " Fleming" [Qy. "of Cumbernauld";'], Barony [S.] (^Fleming), cr. {circa) 1460. CUMBRAE see CUMRA CUMMERLAND The style of "Lord Cummerland" was assumed by the h. ap. of the Earldom of Balcarres [S.]. See vol. i, p. 218, note "f." {^) His naturalisation would of course be a condition precedent to his taking his seat in right of such Dukedom. V.G. () He was an experienced driver, and the accident is attributed to the bad condition of the road on which he was travelling. V.G. {^) His elder br.. Christian, b. 4 July 1885, d. unm. 3 Sep. 1901. V.G. 73