Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/84

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64 CARRINGTON alleged wish of his late father, who, however, did not in his will mention the same-C) He w., istly, 17 June 1822, at Lambeth Palace, Elizabeth Katherine, 2nd da. of Cecil Weld (Weld-Forester), ist Baron Forester OF WiLLEY Park, by Katherine Mary,() da. of Charles (Manners), 4th Duke of Rutland. She, who was b. 15 Nov. 1803, d. s.p.m., of cholera, after only a few hours' illness, 23 July 1832. He w., 2ndly, 1 1 Aug. 1840, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Charlotte Augusta Annabella, 2nd and yst. surv. sister('=) and coh. of Alberic, Lord Willoughby (of Eresby), being da. of Peter Robert (Drummond-Burrell), Lord Willoughby (of Eresby) and Baron Gwydir, by Clementina Sarah, da. and h. of James (Drummond), Baron Drummond of Stobhall, who, but for attainder, would have been Earl of Perth [S.]. He d. in Whitehall yard, 1 7, and was bur. 25 Mar. 1868, at Moulsoe, Bucks, aged 72. Will pr. 13 July 1868, under ^70,000. His widow, who was b. 3 Nov., and bap. 24 Dec. 1 8 1 5, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., d. after a short illness, 26 July 1879, '" Berkeley Sq., Midx. in. 1868. 3 and I. Charles Robert (Wynn CARiNGTON,yor»7(?r/)' Carrington), Baron Carrington of Upton [G.B.] and EARLDOM. Baron Carrington of Bulcot Lodge [L], s. and h., I jgg- by 2nd wife, b. 16 May 1843, ^^ Whitehall, Midx.; ed. at Eton, and at Trin. Coll. Cambridge, B.A. 1863. M.P. (Liberal) for Wycombe 1 865-68 ;('^) Capt. Royal Horse Guards 1869. On the death of his mother, 26 July 1879, he inherited a moiety of the office of Joint Hereditary Great Chamberlain of England,() held by his maternal grandfather and maternal uncle, both Lords Willoughby (of Eresby), abovenamed. By Royal lie. 21 Aug. 1880, he and his two brothers were authorised to continue to use the name of Carington in lieu of Carrington. {') Capt. of the Gentlemen-at-Arms 1881-85; P.C. 15 July 1 881; G.C.M.G. 6 June 1885; Governor of New South Wales 1885-90; Lord Chamberlain of the Household 1892-95; Member L.C.C. (West St. Pancras) 1 892-1 907. He was cr., 16 July 1895, EARL CARRINGTON (e) and VISCOUNT WENDOVER of Cheping Wycombe, Bucks, and was introduced 11 Feb. 1896.C') By Royal lie, (^) This direction was doubtless a final (indeed posthumous) effort to give an additional appearance of a descent from the "gentle" family of "Smith, alias Carington'" Viscounts Carrington [I.]. See ante, p. 62, note "c." C') Henry Greville calls her "one of the most beautiful members of the London world." V.G. ('=)The Barony of Willoughby (of Eresby) was, in 1871, called out of abeyance in favour of her elder sister (she being one of the two coheirs thereof). (<■) He was one of the "Adullamites " in 1866. V.G. {") See as to this office vol. ii. Appendix D. (<) It is stated in the petition that their father had altered the orthography of his (so recently assumed) surname of Carrington to that of Carington, prior to the birth of the petitioners, i.e., in the short period between 1839 and 1843. (8) As to the form of this title, see note sul> Charles, Earl Cadogan [1800]. () This was one of no less than 8 introductions on the same day, for a list ot w hich see vol. i, p. 104, note "a " o "