Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/141

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DEINCOURT 123 King took his homage and fealty, and he had hvery of his grandfather's lands, 8 Mar. 1378/9. (*) He was sum. to Pari, from 26 Aug. (1380) 4 Ric. 11 to 22 Aug. (138 1) 5 Ric. II, by writs directed Johanni }ic(^') Deyncourt or Dayncourt. He m. Alice, istda.('=) of Sir John de Neville, of Raby, co. Durham [Lord Neville], by his ist wife, Maud, da. of Sir Henry de Percy, of Alnwick, Northumberland [Lord Percy]. He J. 15 or 16 Oct. 138 1,('^) aged 23. His widow's dower was ordered to be assigned, 24 Dec. 1381.0 She d. 20 June 1433, having lived a Leicester, Wednesday after St. Peter in cathedra [23 Feb.] 1378/9. "... predictus Willelmus est etatis xxj annorum et amplius . . . predictus Willelmus filius Willelmi Deyncourt natus fuit apud Kyrkby Belers in comitatu predicto et in ecclesia beate Marie ibidem baptizatus die sancti Stephani in septimana Natalis domini anno regni domini E. nuper Regis Anglie avi domini Regis nunc xxxj°." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Ric. II, file 6, no. 138). (^) Close Ro/i, 2 Ric. II, m. 14. This is, iiowever, merely tiie st}'le of the Chancery in letters close to escheators. His fealty was actually taken by the Chancellor, Richard Lescrope. {Ch. Privy Seals, I, fiIe459,no. 668). On 14 Aug. 1379, after the death of his grandmotlier, Milicent, he had livery of the manor of Granby, which she had held in dower. Two writs de non intro»iittendo, of the same date, liberated to him the manor of Wooburn and lands and rent in Duddington, of which the said Milicent and William Deyncourt kt. formerly her husband had been jointly enfeoffed. {filose Roll, 3 Ric. II, m. 39). (*>) It is so in all the (three) writs as enrolled, but it is certainly a mistake for IVillelmo, though there was a John Deincourt living at the time. (■=) Fifteenth century pedigree of Neville. (GV^fo/s^/i/, N.S., vol. iii, p. 108). Her father, "Johannes de Nevill' dominus de Raby," by his will, dated 31 Aug. 1386, left "Alesie Deyncourt filie mee xij discos vj saucers et ij oUas potellers argenteas," also "j lectum rubeum quiltpoint cum j testro de eadem setta loco cujusdam alterius lecti quondam sibi legati." C^) " Willelmus Deyncourte or Deyncourt]." Writs of diem d. ext. 3 and 4 Nov. 5 Ric. II. Inq., cos. Notts, Lincoln, 13 Nov. and Tuesday after St. Lucy [17 Dec] 1 38 1. "Et dicunt eciam quod dictus Willelmus obiit die Mercurii proximo ante [post, i.e. 23 Oct. — CO. Notts'] festum sancti Luce Ewangeliste anno supradicto Item . . . dicunt quod Radulphus Dayncourte est filius et propinquior heres predicti Willelmi Dayncourte et est [erit — co. Notts] etatis ad festum Nat' sancti Johannis Baptiste proximo futurum duorum annorum." Inq., cos. Northants, Derby, Bucks, 12, 16 Nov., 16 Dec. 1 38 1. "Et dicunt quod idem Willelmus Deyncourt obiit quintodecimo die Octobris ultimo preterito Et dicunt quod Radulphus Deyncourt filius dicti Willelmi est ejus propinquior heres et est etatis unius anni et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Ric. II, file 18, no. 20: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 47, no. 4, and Enrolments, nos. 204, 209, 212). (*=) Writs de dote assignanda 24 Dec. and writ of amotus (cos. Notts and Derby) 5 May. {Close Roll, 5 Ric. II, mm. 23, 8). Assignments, co. Lincoln, Wednesday after St. Hilary [15 Jan.] 138 1/2, and co. Bucks, undated. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Ric. II, file 18, no. 20). On 18 Mar. 1385/6 she had livery of the manors of Blankncy and Branston, co. Lincoln, and of certain rents in Holmesfield and Elmton, co. Derby, which the King had assigned to her in dower. {Close Roll, 9 Ric. II, m. 8). The unscrupulous monarch thus actually endowed her of the capital messuage of her husband's barony.