124 DEINCOURT widow for over 51 years.(*) Will dat. at Lincoln, 5 May 1433, no probate. C") 4. Ralph Deincourt, s. and h., b. 24 June 1380. He d. 7 Nov. 1384,0 aged 4. 5. Sir John Deincourt, of Granby, Elmton, Wooburn, i^c., next br. and h., b. (posthumous) 28 Feb. 138 1/2, at Middleham, co. York, and bap. there the next day.() He was knighted by the King on the eve of the Coronation, 12 Oct. 1399, at the Tower.C) He had livery of his father's lands, 18 Feb. 1404/5, his homage being respited, and his fealty being ordered to be taken by the escheator in cos. Notts and Derby.Q He m., before 17 Feb. 1 400/1, Joan, da. and h..{f) of Sir Robert Grey, of if) " Alesia que fuit uxor Willelmi Deyncourt militis senioris que quasdam terras et quedam tenementa . . . tenuit in dotem et alias . . . de hereditate Alesie uxoris Willelmi Lovell' militis et Margarete uxoiis Radulphi Cromwell' militis sororum etheredum Willelmi Deyncourt militis [j;V] filii et heredisjohannis Deyncourt militis fratris et hercdis Radulphi Deyncourt filii et heredis predicti Willelmi Deyncourt militis senioris." Writ of diem cl. ext. 4 July 1 1 Hen. VI. Inq., co. Lincoln, Wednesday before St. Laurence [5 Aug.] 1433. "... eadem Alesia obiit die sabati proximo ante festum Nativitatis sancti Johannis Baptiste ultimo preteritum." (Ch. Inq. p. w., Hen. VI, file 58, no. 30: Exch. Inq. />. m., I, file 152, no. 3). C") Lincoln Reg., vol. xvii, ff. 1 50-15 I. "Alesia domina Deyncourt . . . cor- pusque meum sepeliendum in loco per me prius electo et preparato infra ecclesiam conventualem de Thurgarton'." ("=) " Radulphus Deyncourt filius et heres Willelmi Deyncourt defuncti." Writs oi devenenmt 14 Feb. 3 Hen. IV. Inq., cos. Notts, Derby, Northants, Bucks, Lincoln, 21, 23, 24, 25 Feb. 1401/2, and Saturday the Feast of the Translation of St. Swithin [15 July] 1402. " Et dicunt quod predictus Radulphus Deyncourt obiit die Lune [Mercurii, i.e. 9 Nov. — co. Lincoln^ proximo ante festum sancti Martini in yeme anno regni regis Ricardi secundi nuper Regis Anglie octavo Et quod Johannes Deyncourt chivaler frater dicti Radulphi est heres ejus propinquior et est etatis viginti annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Hen. IV, file 30, no. 16; Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 79, no. 4). (*) Writ de etate probanda 16 July 4 Hen. IV. "Probacio etatis Johannis Deyncourt' chivaler fratris et heredis Radulphi Deyncourt' filii et heredis Willelmi Deyncourt' defuncti," Stillingfleet, co. York, 13 Dec. 1403. "...predictus Johannes Deyncourt' chivaler natus fuit apud Midelham ultimo die Februarii anno regni domini R. nuper Regis Anglie secundi post conquestum quinto et primo die Marcii proximo sequent' in ecclesia de Midelham predicta baptizatus fuit . . . predictus Johannes Deyncourt' fuit etatis xxj annorum ultimo die Februarii anno regni domini Regis nunc quarto." (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. IV, file 40, no. 46). if) Chron. of London, edit. Kingsford, p. 48. (^) Close Roll, 6 Hen. IV, m. ig. A writ de non molestando to the Chancellor, Thomas Longley elk., dated 23 Nov. (1405) 7 Hen. IV, states that the King took the homage of John Deyncourt chr. on that day. (Ch. Privy Seals, 1, file 628, no. 4593). There is a similar writ, of the same date, to the Treasurer and Baronsof the Exchequer. {Close Roll, m. 39). (e) She was also heir to any Barony of Grey (of Rotherfield) that may be held to have existed.