Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/182

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i64 DE LA WARR of George John Frederick, 4th Duke of Dorset (who d. s.p., 14 Feb. 1 8 15), da. of John Frederick (Sackville), 3rd Duke of Dorset, by Arabella Diana, da. of Sir Charles Cope, Bart., he took by royal lie, 30 Nov. 1843, '^h^ name oi Sackville before that oi M^est. He d. 23 Feb. 1869, at Knole Park, in his 78th year. His widow was cr., 27 Apr. 1864, BARONESS BUCKHURST OF BUCKHURST, co. Sussex, with a spec, (and extraordinary) shifting rem. of that dignity, which see. She, who was b. II Aug. 1795, and bap. at Knole afsd., d. 9 Jan. 1870, at 17 Upper Grosvenor Str., aged 74. "Will pr. 15 Feb. 1870, under X 18,000. [George John Frederick West, afterwards (1843) Sackville-West, styled Viscount Cantelupe, ist s. and h. ap., />. 25 Apr. 18 14, and bap. at St. Geo., Han. Sq.; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 24 Mar. 1832; sometime Lieut, in the Gren. Guards; M.P. (Conservative) for Helston 1837-40, for Lewes 1840-41. He d. unm., 25 June 1850, at 17 Upper Grosvenor Str., aged 36, and was bit)-, at Withyam, Sussex.] EARLDOM VL BARONY. XXL 6 and 12. Charles Richard (Sackville- West), Earl de la Warr, isfc, 2nd but ist ^ surv. s. and h., b. 13 Nov. 18 15, in Upper "■ Grosvenor Str., and bap. at St. Geo., Han. Sq. ; ed. at Harrow; entered the army, 43rd Foot, 1833 (under the surname of West); Lieut. 15th Foot 1835; Capt. 2 1 St Foot 1842; took the name of Sackville before that ot M^est under the royal lie, 30 Nov. 1843, above- named; A.D.C. and Mil. Sec. to Lord Gough in India, 1845, fought at the battle of Sobraon, 10 Feb. i 846; was j/j/^fd' Lord West, 1850-69; Major 21st Foot 1852, serving at the battles of Alma, Balaclava, and Inkermann, and, as 2nd Lieut. Col., in command of that regt. at the siege of Sebastopol, becoming finally, in 1864, Major Gen. in the Army; C.B. 27 July 1855; officer of the Legion of Honour of France 1856; 3rd class Medjidie of Turkey 1858; K.C.B. 20 May 1871. Commissioner of Army Purchase 1871-73. A Conservative.() He d. unm., 23 Apr. 1873, aged 57, having left the Bull Inn, Cambridge, that morning and drowned himself in the Cam. Verdict "Temporary Insanity." EARLDOM VII. BARONY XXII. t873- 7 and 13. Reginald Windsor (Sackville), Earl de la Warr, Cffc, br. and h., b. 21 Feb. 1 817, in Upper Grosvenor Str., and bap. at St. Geo., Han. Sq.; matric. at Oxford (Balliol Coll.) 16 Dec. 1834, B.A. 1838, M.A. 1840; Rector of Withyam, Sussex, 1841-65; Chaplain to the Queen 1846-65. Under the royal lie. of 30 Nov. 1843 abovenamed, he took the name of Sackville before that of fFest. By (^) He, however, supported the second reading of the Irish Church DisestabHsh- ment Bill in 1869. V.G.