Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/183

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DE LA WARR 165 the death of his mother, 9 1 8-0, he became BARON BUCKHURST, under the spec. rem. in the creation of that dignity, which see. By royal lie., 24 Apr. 1871, he took, the name of Stickvi//e only; High Steward of Stratford-on-Avon 1871 till his death. In 1873, he sue. to the Earldom of De La Warr, ^c, with which the Barony of Buckhurst, in spite of the remarkable proviso in the patent of its creation, continues united, (") though Knole Park and other ataUs of the Sackville family devolved, in consequence of such succession, on his younger brother. See Sackvillk Barony, cr. 1876. A Conservative. He w., 7 Feb. 1867, at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, Constance iVIary Elizabeth, ist da. of Alexander Dundas Ross (Cochr.-vne-Wishart-Baillie), ist Baron Lamington, by Annabella Mary Elizabeth, da. of Andrew Robert Drummond, of Cadlands, Hants. He i/. 15 Jan. 1896, at 60 Grosvenor Str., aged 78, and was htr. at Withyam. His widow, who was i>. 7 Feb. 1846, m., 12 July 1902, at the Savoy Chapel, the Rev. Paul Williams Wyatt, sometime Chaplain of the Savoy. She was living 191 5. [Lionel Charles Cr.a.nfield Sackville, siy/eJ Viscount Cantellte, 1st s. and h. ap., ^. i Jan. 1868, at 2 Cromwell Road, South Kensington. He m., 24 June 1890, at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, Dorothy, ist da. of John Postle Heseltine, of Walhampton Park, Hants. He d. s.p. and v.p., about 5 months later, being drowned through the foundering of his yacht "Urania" in a storm in Belfast Lough, 7 Nov. 1890, aged 22, and was bur. at Boldre Church, Hants, having recently insured his lite for ^40,000. His widow m., 28 Feb. 1905, at the Guards' Chapel, Wellington Barracks, George Darell Jeffreys, Capt. Gren. Guards. They were living 191 5.] EARLDOM. VIIL BARONY xxin. 8 and 13. Gilbert George Reginald (Sack- ville), Earl de la Warr [1761], Viscolnt n . Cantelupe [1761], Baron de la Warr [1570 ° ■ or i572],() and Baron Buckhurst [1864], 2nd and only surv. s. and h., b. 22 Mar. 1869, at 17 Upper Grosvenor Str.; ed. at Charterhouse; styled Viscount Cantelupe 1890-96. He fought in South Africa 1900, and was wounded at Vryheid.() In the European War, 1 9 14- , he served as Lieut, in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. A Unionist. He ?»., istly, 4 Aug. 1891, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Muriel {') See vol. ii, p. 385, note " b," sub Buckhurst. (*>) "Even i no patent were granted of the Barony [of Dc La Warr] in 1569/70, the present Earl is Baron de la Warr under the writ of summons ot 13 Eliz., he being heir general as well as heir male of William West, to whom that writ was addressed. If ever it should happen that the heir general is not the heir male of the said William, a question of great difficulty will in all probability arise on the succession of the Barony." {Courthope). (*=) For a list of peers and heirs ap. of peers who served in this war, sec vol. iii, Appendix B. V.G.