Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/212

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194 DERBY Acre in Palestine, in 1190, before 21 Oct.(°) His wife survived him, and was, perhaps, living as late as 5 Feb. 1 227/8. C") IV. 1 190. 4. William (de Ferrieres), Earl OF Derby, or Earl OF Ferrieres, s. and h.() He had livery of his lands in 1 1 90-9 1. C) Sheriff of Notts and Derby, for 7 weeks, Feb.-Mar. 1 194. About that time, before the King's return to England, he supported the Justiciar against John, Count of Mortain, and, with the Earl of Chester, besieged Nottingham Castle.(^) Shortly afterwards he took part at Richard's second Coronation, 17 Apr., being one of the four Earls who bore the canopy.(^) After the King's death, he was at the Council of North- ampton, which declared for John as Richard's successor: he was present at the Coronation, 27 May 1 199.C) On 7 June 1 199, the King restored and confirmed to him the third penny of all the pleas pleaded per vicecotnitem de Dereby, unde ipse Comes, est, as amply as any of his predecessors had had the same, to hold, to him and his heirs for ever, and with his own hand girded him with the sword as an Earl.(*) On the same day the King (*) Epht. Cantuar.y p. 329: Benedictus, vol. ii, p. 148: Hoveden, vol. iii, p. 88: R. Coggeshale, p. 29: Roger of Wendover, vol. i, p. 191. On his way out, as "Willelmus Comes de Ferrariis," he had made a donation to the Abbey of St. Denis, "pro salute anime mee et Sibille Comitisse uxoris mee . . . Actum in capitulo sancti Dionysii anno gracie MClxxxix." [Monasticon, vol. vii, p. 1078). (•>) She certainly survived her husband for many years [Testa de Neville, p. 108), and was, perhaps, the Sibilla de Ferrariis who occurs 5 Feb. 1227/8, being then a widow [Patent Roll, 12 Hen. Ill, m. 6). (=) (i) " Willelmus de Ferrar' Comes Derb' . . . Sciatis me concessisse . . . Deo et ecclesie sancte Marie de Tuttesbir' ... pro salute mea et Agnetis uxoris mee et succes- sorum meorum et pro anima Willelmi Comitis de Ferrar' patris mei et pro animabus antecessorum meorum omnia quecunque Henricus de Ferrar' fundator ejusdem ecclesie seu Engenulfus de Ferrar' vel Robertas de Ferrar' et alius Robertus de Ferrar' vel Willelmus Comes de Ferrar' pater meus sive aliquis antecessorum meorum sive uxores eorum vel barones seu milites vel homines eorum racionabiliter dederunt vel concesserunt predicte ecclesie." (ii) and (iii) "Willelmus Comes de Ferrar' filius Willelmi Comitis de Ferrar' . . . pro salute anime mee et Agnetis uxoris mee" gave to the church of Tutbury the tithes issuing from his forests of Duffield and Needwood: by two charters. [Cartulary of Tutbury, nos. 56, 57, 75). C^) "Willelmus de Ferrariis filius Comitis de Ferrariis debet C Ii. pro fine terre sue." [Pipe Roil, 3 Ric. I, Staffs). He is styled "Comes de Ferrariis" in the Pipe Roll of 6 Ric. I. (•) Hoveden, vol. iii, pp. 237, 241, 248, vol. iv, p. 90. (') "Johannes dei gracia Rex Angl' ... Sciatis nos reddidisse et concessisse et presenti carta confirmasse dilecto nostro Willelmo de Ferrar' Comiti de Dereby tercium denarium de omnibus placitis placitatis per vicecomitem de Dereby tam in Dereby quam extra unde ipse Comes est sicut aliquis unquam antecessorum suorum melius habuit tenendum sibi et heredibus suis de nobis et heredibus nostris inperpetuum Et inde ipsum tanquam Comitem propria manu gladio cinximus . . . Datum . . . apud Norhant' vij die Junii Regni nostri anno primo." [Cart. Antiq., no. 2). Derbyshire, the castle and honour of Peak, the castle of Bolsover, "et