Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/213

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DERBY 195 gave him Higham with the hundred and a half, and the park of that town, and Newbottle and Blisworth, as his right and inheritance which descended to him as right heir of the land which was of William Pevercl, to hold, to him and his heirs for ever, by the service of a knight's fee. And the Earl quit-claimed the residue of the land which was of William Peverel to the King,(*) and paid 2,000 marks for his charter-C") He was present at the Coronation of Henry III, 28 Oct. I2i6.() On 30 Oct. the King granted him the castles of Peak and Bolsover, co. Derby, with the homages.C') and on 16 Jan. 12 16/7 the manor of Melbourne in that co., to hold till the King was 14 years of age.C^) He assisted the Regent to raise the siege of Lincoln Castle, 20 May I2i7,(') and with his brother-in- law, the Earl of Chester, commanded the royal forces which took and razed the castle of Montsorel.C") In June 12 18 he went on Crusade. (•) He was warned, 26 June 1222, to surrender the castles of Peak and Bolsover before Michaelmas. (s) Sheriff of co. Lancaster and Keeper of the honour of Lancaster, 30 Dec. 1223 to 2 Jan. 1227/8. C") He accompanied the King in the expedition to Brittany and Poitou, Apr. to Oct. 1230. C") On 19 Jan. 1230/1 he was given the custody of all the lands of the Normans in England which were of his fee.C") He was at the Council of London, Feb. 123 1/2. C*) He was sum. for Military Service against the Scots, 15 May (1244) 28 Hen. Ill, by writ directed W. de Ferar comiti Derebi. Had licence to make his will, 29 Apr. 1247.C') totam terram que fuit Willelmi Peverel," and the town and honour of Nottingham, are enumerated by Benedictus (vol. ii, p. 78) among the possessions granted by Richard I, before his Coronation in 1 1 89, to his br., John, Count of Mortain. (*) See the Charter in Appendix I to this volume. (•>) Oblate Roll, I Joh., m. 23. (') Annales de Waverleia, p. 286: De Ant. Legibui Liber, p. 202: Roger of Wendover, vol. ii, p. 197: M. Paris, vol. iii, p. I. C*) The order for the delivery to him of Peak was repeated, 18 Nov., I and 24 Dec. 1 2 16, that for Melbourne, 5 Feb. 1 216/7, ^"'^ that for Bolsover, 23 June 1 21 7. Peak was held by Brien de I'lsle, and Bolsover by Gerard de Furnivalle, neither of whom would surrender his charge. The Earl eventually took the castles by force [Annales de Dumtaplia, p. 50). His charters of acknowledaiment are enrolled. [Patent Rolh, I Hen. Ill, mm. 16, 15, 13, 6, 13 d; 7 Hen. Ilf, m. 6 d). In the chancery writs, at this period, he is usually called Comes de Ferrarits, but occasionally Comes Derebeie or de Dereby, which latter style he used himself. (*) Annales de Burton, p. 224: Roger of Wendover, vol. ii, p. 212: M. Paris, vol. iii, pp. 15, 18. (^ Annales de Burton, p. 225: Walter of Coventry, vol. ii, p. 240: Annales de JFaverleia, p. 289. (8) Patent Roll, 6 Hen. Ill, m. 3. The Earl's charter was returned to him, with instructions to surrender these castles to the messengers, 27 Dec. 1222. [Idem, 7 Hen. Ill, m. 6). (t) Patent Rolls, 8 Hen. Ill, m. 12; 12 Hen. Ill, m. 6; 14 Hen. III,/.. I, m. 4 A, p. 2, w. 3; 15 Hen. Ill, m. 4; 31 Hen. Ill, m. 6: Close Roll, 16 Hen. Ill, m. I4d.