Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/239

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DERBY 221 affairs Mar. to Dec. 1852; P. C. 26 Feb. 1858; Sec. of State for the Colonies Feb. to May 1858; Pres. of the Board of Control June to Sep. 1858; Sec. for India 1858-59; for foreign affairs 1866-68 and 1874-78; and for the Colonies (again) 1882-85. D.C.L. of Oxford 7 June 1853; LL.D. of Cambridge 9 June 1862; Lord Rector of the Univ. of Glasgow 1868-71; Lord Rector of the Univ. of Edinburgh 1874-77; Chanc. of London Univ. 1891-93; Pres. of the Statistical Soc. 1857-59; F.R.S. 15 Dec. 1B59; Trustee of the Nat. Portrait Gallery 1861-93; Sloane Trustee of the Brit. Museum 1866 till his death; Pres. of the Royal Literary Fund 1876 till his death; K.G. 15 July 1884. He m., 5 July 1870, at the Chapel Royal, St. James's, Mary Catherine, widow of James (Gascoyne-Cecil), Marquess of Salisbury, 2nd da. of George John (West), 5th Earl de La Warr, by Elizabeth, suo jure Baroness Buckhurst. He d. s.p., at Knowsley, 21, and was bur. there 27 Apr. 1893, aged 66. Will dat. 3 Dec. 1889 to 10 Apr. 1893, pr. 25 May 1893 at ^1,802,000 net. His widow, who was b. 23 July 1824, d, after a long illness, at Holwood Park, Keston, Kent, 6, and was bur. 11 Dec. 1900, at Knowsley, aged 76. Will dat. 3 Aug. 1897, pr. 13 Mar. 1901. XXV. 1893. 16. Frederick Arthur (Stanley), Earl of Derby [1485], Baron Stanley of Bickerstaffe [1832], and Baron Stanley of Preston [1886], also a Baronet [1627], br. and h.; b. 15 Jan. 1 84 1, in St. James's Sq., Westm.; ed. at Eton; ent. the army as Lieut. Grenadier Guards Apr. 1858, Capt. June 1862-65, when he retired. M.P. (Conservative) for Preston 1865-68, and for Lancashire (North) 1868-85, and (Blackpool div.) 1885-86; a Lord of the Admiralty Aug. to Dec. 1868; Constable of Castle Rising 1870 till his death; Financial Sec. to War Office 1874-77, and of the Treasury 1877-78; Militia A.D.C. to Queen Victoria 1 877-1901, and to Edward VII 1901-08; P.C. 4 Apr. 1878; Sec. of State for War 1878-80, and for the Colonies 1885-86; G.C.B. (Civil) 2 Feb. 1886; Pres. of the Board of Trade 1886-88. He was cr., 27 Aug. 1886, BARON STANLEY OF PRESTON, CO. Lancaster; Gov. Gen. of Canada 1888-93; Sloane Trustee of the Brit. Museum 1893 till his death; Lord Mayor of Liverpool 1895-96; Lord Lieut, of Lancashire 1 897-1 908; nom. K.G.C) 6, and inv. 19 Aug. 1897; Chancellor of Liverpool University 1903 till his death; Pres. of the Royal Agric. Soc. 1904; G.C.V.O. 13 July 1905. He w., 31 May 1864, at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, Constance, ist da. of George William (Villiers), 4th Earl of Clarendon, by Katherine, da. of James Walter (Grimston), 1st Earl of Verulam. He d. of heart failure, at Holwood afsd., 14, and was bur. 18 June 1908, at Knowsley, aged 67. Will dat. 23 Mar. 1906, pr. 6 Aug. 1908, at over £()i'jfiOO gross, over £-j ^2,000 net, or, including settled estates, over ;^3, 777,000. His widow, who was b. in Grosvenor Crescent, Belgravia, 2 Sep. 1840, and bap. 30 Dec. 1841, at St. Michael's, St. Albans, was living 191 5. (») He was the 9th Earl of" Derby so honoured. See vol. ii. Appendix B.