Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/240

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222 DERBY [Edward George Villiers Stanley, j/y/^-^ Lord Stanley, i 893-1908, 1st s. and h. ap., b. 4 Apr. 1865, at 23 St. James's Sq.; ed. at Wellington Coll.; ent. the Gren. Guards as Lieut. May 1885, retiring 1895; A.D.C. to the Gov. Gen. of Canada (his father) 1888-91; M.P. for Lancashire (W. Houghton) 1 892-1 906; a Lord of the Treasury 1 895-1900; served in the S. African war 1 899-1 90o;() Private Sec. to Earl Roberts when Com. in Chief there 1900; mentioned in Dispatches, Queen's Medal 6 clasps; C.B. 1900; Financial Sec. to the War Office 1900-3; P.C. 1903; Postmaster Gen. 1903-6; K.C.V.O. 1905; G.C.V.O. 1908; Chancellor of Liverpool Univ. 1909; K.G. I Jan. 1915; Knight of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem. In the course of the European war of 19 14 — , he raised a Dockers' Batt. (Liverpool regt.) of which he was Lt. Col. In 19 15 he was appointed Director General of Recruiting. (*") He w., 5 Jan. i889,(") at the Guards' Chapel, Wellington Barracks, Alice Maud Olivia, 3rd and yst. da. of William Drogo (Montagu), 7th Duke of Manchester, by Louise Frederike Auguste, Countess VON Alten. She, who was ^. 15 Aug. 18 62, at I Great Stanhope Str., Westm., is a Lady of Grace of St. John of Jerusalem, and a Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Alexandra. Having sue. to the Peerage after 22 Jan. 1901, he is, as such, outside the scope of this work.] Family Eitates.i^') — These, in 1883, consisted of 57,000 acres in Lancashire (worth ;Ci 56,735 a year), 9,500 in Cheshire, 92 in Flintshire, besides 1,400 in Surrey and 950 in Kent. Total 68,942 acres of which the value of those in the first three counties (that of those in Surrey and Kent being unstated) is ;^i63,273 a year, exclusive of 900 acres leased in build- ings and returned in the tenants' names. (') Principal Residence. — Knowsley Park, near Prescot, Lancashire. Note. — Of the above estates, those in Surrey and Kent were offered at auction in 1909, and it is believed that the bulk of them were then disposed of It is to be observed that there is not one acre of this property in the county of Derby. So also in the case of the Dukedom of Devonshire as to the county of Devon, ^c. See ante, p. 206, note " e." (*) For a list of peers and heirs ap. of peers who served in this war, see vol. iii, Appendix B. C*) Five of his brothers also served in the war. For a list of peers and sons ot peers who served in this war see vol. viii, Appendix F. V.G. C^) His 1st s. and h. ap., Edward Montagu Cavendish Stanley, was h. 9 July 1894, at 36 Great Cumberland Place, Midx., and ed. at Eton. He served in the European war of 1914 — , as Lieut. 3rd Batt. Gren. Guards. His younger brother, Oliver Frederick George Stanley, served in the same war, first as 2nd Lieut. Lanes. Hussars, and later as Lieut. R.A. V.G. C) About the year 17 10 the extensive estates of the Moores of Bank Hall, in Liverpool, Bootle, and Kirkdale, were sold to the Earl of Derby for ^^ 12,000; in 1847 some 270,000 square yards thereof were sold to the dock trustees for ;{^9O,O00. The contiguity to Liverpool was the sole reason for the great value of this estate, which otherwise would have been merely agricultural, and on the coast line nothing at all. See Howard Evans' Our Old Nobility. (') See vol. vi, Appendix H, for some remarks on Lord Derby's property as compared with the holders of 100,000 acres and upwards.