Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/432

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414 DORMER IX. 1804. 9. Charles (Dormer), Baron Dormer of Wyng, 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h., by ist wife, b. 10 Jan. 1753, at Peterley. He d. unm., in Paris, 2, and was bur. there 5 Apr. 18 19, at St. Roche, aged 66. X. 1 819. 10. John Evelyn Pierrepont (Dormer), Baron Dormer of Wyng, br. of the half blood and h., being s, of the 8th Baron, by his 2nd wife. He was b. Mar. 1771, and having con- formed to the established Church, took his seat, 28 Feb. 1823, in the House of Lords. (=■) He m.^ 20 Nov. 1794 (or 1795), Elizabeth, ist da. of William John (Kerr), 5th Marquess of Lothian [S.], by Elizabeth, da. of Chichester Fortescue. She, who was b. 2 Sep. i-jS^^d. at Grove Park afsd., 13, and was bur. 24 Aug. 1822, at Budbroke, aged 56. He d. s.p., 9 Dec. 1826, at Terriers House, Bucks, aged s^- XI. 1826. II. Joseph Thaddeus (Dormer), Baron Dormer OF Wyng, cousin and h. male, being only surv. s. and h. of John Dormer, a Gen. in the Austrian service, by Elizabeth, 2nd da. of Gabriel, Count Buttler, of the Kingdom of Hungary, which John (who d. 21 Nov. 1795, ^g^d 6^) was the next br. (who left issue) of the 8th Baron. He was b. i June 1790, at Gran, in Hungary; was an officer in the Austrian service, (jfc^^) He m., 5 May 1829, at Tichborne, Hants, Elizabeth Anna, ist da. and coh. of Sir Henry Joseph Tichborne, 8th Bart., by Anne, da. of Sir Joseph Burke, Bart., of Marble Hill. He d. 5 July 1 871, at Grove Park, aged 81. Will pr. 25 July 1871, under

^ 1 6,000. His widow, who was ^. 28 May 1807, ^.4 July 1883, at 6 Chapel

Str., Park Lane, Midx., aged 76. Will pr. 12 Oct. 1883, over ;^4,ooo. XII. 1871. 12. John Baptist Joseph (Dormer), Baron Dormer OF Wyng, s. and h., b. 22 May 1830, at Grove Park afsd.; ed. at Oscott College; served in the Royal Horse Guards, in the Grenadier Guards, and finally, 1858, in the 74th Foot, during the Crimean war and the Indian Mutiny; District Inspector of Musketry, 1863-68. A Liberal. (") He m., istly, 14 June 1866, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Louisa Frances Mary, 1st da. of Edward King Tenison, of Kilronan Castle, co. Roscommon, by Louisa, da. of Thomas William (Anson), ist Earl of Lichfield. She, who (*) Although this Barony had then existed 200 years, he was the first Peer of his race that, as Baron Dormer, had sat in the House of Lords, " His Lordship having conscientiously and piously rejected the errors of Popery." {Gent. Mag.). He voted against the second reading of Lord Donoughmore's Catholic Relief Bill in 1825. V.G. C") He was a Liberal, but supported the vote of censure on the Liberal Govt, in 1864 with regard to Denmark. He and his successor in title were Roman Catholics. Carpenter's Peerage (1837) says that he had resided so long abroad that he spoke Eng- lish with great difficulty. V.G. ('^) Li 1886, like nearly all Liberal peers, except a handful of office holders, he remained a Unionist. V.G.