Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/433

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DORMER 415 was b. in 1839, </. in childbed, 9 Sep. 1868, in her 30th year, at Grove Park. He m., 2ndly, 11 Feb. 1871, at Brussels, Leonie, widow ot' Count Alfred DE BuEREN, da. of ( — ) FoRTAMPS, Senator of Belgium. She d. in Belgium, I Sep. 1883, aged 40. He ;«., 3rdly, 8 Jan. 1885, at the Oratory, Brompton, Midx., Emily Constance Campbell, da. of John Bald, of Monzie Castle, co. Perth, and Upper Grosvenor Str., Midx. He d.,{^) at Beckford Manor, Tewkesbury, 22, and was bur. 26 Dec. 1900, at Hampton-on-the- Hill, aged 70. Will pr. over ;^ 15,000. His widow was living 19 16. XIII. 1900. 13. Roland John (Dormer), Baron Dormer OF Wyng, and a Baronet, nephew and h. male, being ist s. and h. of James Charlemagne Dormer, K.C.B. {d. 3 May i893),() by Ella LVances Catherine, widow of Robert Cutlar Fergusson, and only da. of Sir Archi- bald Alison, Bart., which James was next brother to the last Lord. He was b. 24 Nov. 1862, at St. Leonards-on-Sea; sometime sub-director of Secretariat of Egyptian Finance;('^) 3rd class order of Medjidie.() He ?«., 16 Aug. 1897, Marie Hanem, da. of F. Eywaz, of Cairo. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 2,246 acres in co. War- wick, and of 1,189 i" Bucks. Total, 3,435 acres valued at ^6,020 a year. Principal Residence. — Grove Park, co. Warwick. In the 1 8 th cent. Peterley, Bucks, and Ewdesworth, Hants, were the chief seats of the family. DORNOCK i.e. "Douglas of Kinmont, Middlebie and Dornock," Barony [S.] {Douglas), cr. 1 1 Feb. 1682 with the Marquessate, and again, 3 Nov. 1684, with the Dukedom of Queensberry [S.], which see. DORSET "The counties of Somerset and Dorset were originally under the jurisdiction of one Sheriff, hence it has been remarked by Vincent that it was indifferent to an Earl who derived the third penny of the pleas under a writ addressed to the Sheriff, whether he styled himself by the name of one or other of the counties under the Sheriff's authority." {Courthope). (*) His only s. by his ist wife, Henry Edward Dormer, b. 4 Mar. 1867, d. 24 Dec. following. V.G. C") He was killed by a tiger when shooting in the Madras Presidency, of which he was Commander in Chief. V.G. ('^) He was adjudicated a bankrupt, on his own petition, 13 July 1908. V.G. {**) His brother, Charles Joseph Thaddcus Dormer, sered in the great Euro- pean War, 1 91 4 — , as Capt. R.N. For a list of peers and sons of peers who served in this war, see vol. viii, Appendix F. V.G.