Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/46

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30 DAGWORTH arrest as one of the Court party, in Jan. 1 387/8. (*) Appointed a commis- sioner to treat for a truce with France, 26 Nov. 1388, (*>) and to receive the oath of the King of Scots, 3 July I389.() Knight of the Shire for Norfolk, 1397-98. He m. Alianore, widow of John Ingelfeld, sister and coh. of John Rossale, of Ross Hall, near Shrewsbury,("=) and elder da. of Sir Walter Rossale, of the same, by Beatrice, his wife.('^) He d. s.p., 2 Jan. I40i/2,Q and was l>ur. at Blickling, Norfolk. Brass. Will dat. 6 Dec. 1396, pr. at Lambeth, 13 Feb. 1401/2.0 His widow, who received various grants from the Crown,(8) m., 3rdly, in or before 10 Hen. IV,() Sir John Mortimer, of Hatfield,Herts,(') who was executed for treason,2 6 Feb. 1 423/4, at Tyburn,(') and was l>ur. in the Church of St. John of Jerusalem, London. (*) Walsingham, Hist., vol. ii, p. 173: rpod. Neust., p. 355. () French Roll, 12 Ric. II, m. lo: Scottish Roll, 13 Ric. II, m. 6. (■=) "Johannes Rossale." Writ of diem d. ext. 21 Dec. 5 Hen. IV. Inq., Salop, Monday after Christmas [31 Dec] 1403. " Et dicunt quod dictus Johannes Rossale obiit die Sabati proximo ante festum sancte Marie Magdalene [21 July] ultimo preterit)? Et dicunt quod Alianora quondam uxor Nicholai Dagworth' militis et Alesia uxor Philippi Inggelfeld' sorores et coheredes propinquiores ipsius Johannis Rossale sunt . . . Et dicunt quod dicta Alianora una sororum predictarum est etatis xxvj annorum et quod dicta Alesia altera soror est etatis xxij annorum." (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. IV, file 42, no. 23). He was with Henry Percy, traitor, and was slain at the battle of Shrewsbury. {Patent Roll, 5 Hen. IV, />. I, m. 21). C') John Prendergest kt. and Beatrice his wife demised to Alianore, elder da. of Beatrice and late the wife of Nicholas Dagworth kt., their status in the manor of Hunmanby, co. York, which Beatrice held for life, by indenture dated 21 Oct. 8 Hen. IV. (Deed enrolled on Close Roll, 9 Hen. IV, m. 15 d). ('=) Cotton MSB., Vesp., D 17, f. 86. This date was no doubt taken from the brass, long since imperfect; see Blomfield, Norfolk, vol. vi, p. 385, and the Rubbing, in Addit. MSS., no. 32490 I, 2. (') Lambeth Reg., Arundel i, f. 189. "...corpus meum ad sepeliendum in ecclesia parochiali sancti Benedic' juxta Pouleswarfth' in capella et coram ymagine beate Marie ex parte boriali dicte ecclesie." He mentions only his wife, Elianora. Thomasine, erroneously supposed to have been his da., is noticed above, p. 27, note " c." (s) Patent Rolls, 19 Ric. II, />. I, m. 35; I Hen. IV, /.. 3, m. 8; 2 Hen. IV, p. I, m. 11, p. 4, OT. II; 4 Hen. IV, />. 2, m. 6; 7 Hen. IV , p. I, m. 3. She was assigned ^ of the manor of Blickling in dower. {Close Roll, 8 Hen. IV, m. 8 d). A minute and curious inventory of the goods and chattels of this Alianore, then wife of John Mortymer chr., taken in 141 1- 12 by Robert Chichele, Mayor of London and Escheator, is in Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 1065, no. 5. C') Deed copied in Harl. MSS., no. 245, f. 47 v. John was then an esquire. (') John Mortemer kt. and Alianore his wife one of the daughters and heirs of Walter Russall' kt., and Philip Ingilfeld' esq. late the husband of Alice the other da. and h. of the said Walter, made partition of the inheritance of Alianore and Alice, viz. that John and Alianore should have the manor of Hunmanby, and Philip, hold- ing by the courtesy of England, should have the manor of Ross Hall, by indenture dated 12 May 4 Hen. V. (Deed enrolled on Close Roll, 4 Hen. V, m. 19 d). (J) Pari. Rolls, vol. iv, p. 202. "Johannes Mortemer chivaler." Writ of mandamus 18 July 2 Hen. VI. Inq., Herts, Monday before St. Laurence [7 Aug.] 1424. (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. VI, file 9, no. 14).