Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/47

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DAGWORTH 31 She d. 28 Dec. 1432. (^) Will dat. at London, 5 Aug. 1428, pr. there, 17 Feb. I432/3-C) His h. or coh. (on the assumption made above) was Walter, Lord Fitz Walter, s. and h. of Sir Walter fitz Wauter, of Woodham Walter, Essex [Lord Fitz Walter], by his ist wife, Alianore (lie. 23 June 1362, to marry in the chapel of Vachery afsd., living 3 Dec. 1375, d. before 27 June 1385), da. of Thomas, Lord Dagworth.(') Any hereditary Barony of Dagworth, that may be supposed to have been created by the writ of 1347, was thus (apparently) united to that of Fitz Walter. DALHOUSIE, RAMSAY OF DALHOUSIE, AND DALHOUSIE OF DALHOUSIE CASTLE AND OF THE PUNJAUB BARONY [S.] I. George Ramsay, s. and h. of James Ramsay, of , /■ Dalhousie, in Lothian, C^) by Elizabeth, ist da. and coh. . , "■ of David Ramsay, of Clatty, was b. after 1570; sue. his J " /■ father before Nov. 1580, was, 19 Aug. 1 601, served h. to . ^ ^ (his grandfather's grandfather) Sir Alexander Ramsay, of Dalhousie; was knighted before 1603; M.P. for co. Kin- cardine 1617; had the Barony of Dalhousie, erected into a free Barony on his own resignation, and the Barony of Melrose, on the resignation of his distant kinsman, John Ramsay (who on 11 June 1606 was cr. Viscount of Haddington, received a grant of the lands of Melrose 28 Aug. 1609, and was cr. Lord Ramsay of Melrose [S.] 25 Aug. I 61 5). Accordingly he was cr. a Lord of Pari, by charter, 25 Aug. 1618, as LORD RAMSAY OF MELROSE [S.] to him and his heirs male and successors in the Barony. By letters under the great seal, 5 Jan. 161 9, this title was changed, and that of LORD RAMSAY OF DALHOUSIE given to him and his heirs male " omni tempore affuturo." He ?«., in 1593, Margaret,(^) da. and h. of Sir George Douglas, of Helenhill, br. (') " Alianora que fuit uxor Nicholai Dagworth' chivaler." Writ of diem cl. ext. 3 Feb. II Hen. VI. Inq., Notts, Wednesday 8 Apr. 1433. " Et dicunt quod dicta Alianora obiit in festo sanctorum Innocencium ultimo preterito Et quod Johannes Ingelfeld' armiger est filius et heres ejusdem Alianore propinquior et est etatis triginta annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. VI, file 58, no. 25: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 152, no. 14). (^) Lincoln Reg., vol. xvii, fF. I I2V-1 13." "... corpusque meum ad sepeliendum in ecclesia [sancti] Johannis Jerl'm in Anglia apud London' juxta sepulturam dicti nuper mariti mei [Johannis Mortymer militis]." ("=) This Alianore, da. of Sir Thomas by Alianore, Countess of Ormond, is his only known child. But, as he does not appear to have held any lands in his own right, his heirs are not necessarily noticed in any formal document. (^) This James was 2nd s. of George R., of Dalhousie, by Elizabeth Hepburn. V.G. ('^) Margaret Kerr, who has been attributed to him as a 2nd wife, was in fact wife of Sir George Ramsay of Wyliecleugh, with whom this George Ramsay has been confused. V.G.