Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/473

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DOWNE 455 the Order of the Garter igoj-C) Col. loth Hussars 19 12, and served in the great European War, 1914 — .C") He w., istly, 12 July 1869, at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge (the Prince and Princess of Wales being present), Cecilia Maria Charlotte, only da. of Charles William (Molyneux), 3rd Earl of Sefton [I.], by Mary Augusta, da. of Robert Gregge Hopwood. She, who was b. at Croxteth, 7 Nov., and bap. 12 Dec. i 838, at Sefton, was, in 1889, one of the Ladies of the Bedchamber.(') V.A. (3rd class). She d. of pneumonia, at Dingley Hall, Market Harborough, 26, and was bur. 30 May 1 9 10, at Wykeham Abbey, co. York, aged 71. Will pr. July 1910, at ^^2,842 gross, and ;{^2,59i net. He w., 2ndly, 27 July 191 1, at All Saints, Notting Hill, Faith, da. of the Rev. Henry Dening. [John Dawnay, ist s. and h. ap., b. 23 May 1872, at 41 South Str., Park Lane; sometime Capt. loth Hussars; served in S. Africa i 899-1901 ; D.S.O. Nov. I900.('^) He served in the great European War, 19 14 — , as Staff Capt.(') He ;«., 24 July 1902, at Hillington, Norfolk, Dorothy, only child of Sir William Hovell Browne ffolkes, 3rd Bart. [1774], by Emily Charlotte, da. of Robert Elwes, of Congham, Norfolk. She was b. 21 June 1876, at Hillington Hall.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 22,237 acres in co. York (the Baldersby Park estate), valued at ^^2 6,8 43 a year, belonging to the Dowager Viscountess, and of about 15,518 acres in that county, valued at

^ 1 9,2 62 a year, belonging to the present Lord. In Aug. 1883, Lord Downe

bought the estate of Dingley, Northants, about 5,000 acres (valued, in 1883, at about ;/^9,ooo a year), for about ^^ 175,000. Principal Residence. — Dingley Park, near Market Harborough. DOWNERAYLE see DONERAILE DOWNES OF AGHANVILLE BARONY [L] I. William Downes, 2nd but only surv. s. or Robert D., of Donnybrook, co. Dublin (M.P. for co. Kildare), L 1822. by Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Twigg, of Donnybrook afsd. (which Robert was only s. of Dive Downes, Bishop of Cork and Ross, 1699- 1709), was b. 1 751, at Donnybrook Castle; B.A. Dublin Univ., 1773, LL.D. honoris causd 1806; Vice Chancellor of the (*) See note " b " on preceding page. () His brother, Eustace Henry, also served as Major, special appointment, but relinquished his commission Mar. 191 5. V.G. (■=) She enjoyed the unusual privilege of twice acting as bridesmaid at royal weddings, viz. to the Princess Royal in 1858, and to Princess Mary Adelaide (Duchess of Teck) in 1866. V.G. C) See note "c" on preceding page. (°) His younger brother, Hugh Dawnay, D.S.O., also served as Major 2nd Life Guards, and was killed in action 5 Nov. 1 914. For a list of peers and sons of peers who served in this war see vol. viii, Appendix F. V.G.