Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/474

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456 DOWNES University 1806 till his death;(=') Barrister, King's Inn, Dublin, June 1776; M.P. for Donegal borough 1790-92; one of the Justices of the King's Bench [I.] IVlar. 1792; Ch. Justice, Sep. 1803 till his resignation in Feb. 1822 (with a pension of /^3,8oo a year). P.C. [I.] i Nov. 1803. On 10 Dec. 1822, he was cr. BARON DOWNES OF AGHANVILLE, in King's County [I-JjO with a spec, rem., failing heirs male of his body, to his cousin, I.ieut. Col. Sir Ulysses Burgh. He d. unm., 3 Mar. 1826, in his 75th year, at his seat at Merville, Stillorgan Road, in Taney, co. Dublin, and was bur. at St. Anne's, Dublin. Q M.I. II. 1826 2. Ulysses (Burgh, afterwards de Burgh), Baron to DowNES OF Aghanville [I.], cousin and h. according to 1863. the spec. lim. in the patent of that dignity. He was only s. of Thomas Burgh {d. June 18 10), by Anne, da. of David Aigoin, which Thomas was 2nd, but eventually (1808) ist surv. s. and h. of Thomas Burgh, of Bert, co. Kildare, by Anne, sister of Robert Downes, and aunt of William, ist Baron Downes [I.], both abovenamed. He was h. in Dublin 1 5 Aug. 1788; ent. the Army Mar. 1 804; M.P. (Tory) for CO. Carlow 1818-26, and for Queenborough 1826-30. Surveyor Gen. of the Ordnance 1 820-27 ;(■*) A.D.C. to the King 1825-37; Sec. to the Master Gen. of Ordnance 1828-30. Major Gen. 1837, Lieut. Gen. 1846; Col. of the 54th Foot 1845-50; Col. of the 29th Foot, 1850-63, and Gen. in the Army, 1854. His military career was distinguished, he receiving a cross and clasp for Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, and Toulouse; was wounded at Talavera and at Toulouse. K.C.B. 2 Jan. 18 15; G.C.B, 18 May i86o;(^) Knight of the Tower and Sword of Portugal, Knight of St. Anne of Russia; Rep. Peer [I.] 1833-63.0 In 1848 he was authorised to take the name of de Burgh, in lieu of Burgh. He m., istly, 20 June 18 15, Maria, only da. and h. of Walter Bagenal, of Dunleckney, co. Carlow, by Elizabeth, widow of ( — ) Chambers. She, who was b. 15 Sep. 1792, d. 21 Aug. 1842, in her 50th year, at Bert House, near Athy, Kildare. He m., 2ndly, 4 Aug. 1 846, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Christopheria, widow of John Willis Fleming, of Stoneham, Hants, da. of James Buchanan, of that Ilk. She d. at 19 Grafton Str., Midx., 18 Oct. i860, aged 61. He d. s.p.m., at Bert House afsd., 26 July 1863, in his 75th year, when his Peerage became extinct. (*) In Diet. Nat. Biog. it is wrongly said that he resigned in 18 16. V.G. (•>) The three extinctions made use of according to the Act of Union for this creation were (i) the Earldom of Dublin (held by a son of George III), (2) the Barony of Tyrawley (Cuffe), and (3) the Barony of Tara (Preston). ("=) The 1st Earl of Sheffield writes of him in 1789 as a most worthy and respectable man. V.G. (■J) Not till 1830, as in Did. Nat. Biog. V.G. (*) Not 1869 (six years after his death), as in Diet. Nat. Biog. V.G. (*) He followed Peel when he betrayed his party in the matter of the Corn Laws, but afterwards returned to the main body of the Conservatives. V.G.