Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/478

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460 DOWNSHIRE IV. 1845. 4. Arthur Wills Blundell Sandys Trumbull Windsor (Hill), Marquess of Downshire, &'c. [I.], also Earl of Hillsborough, (ffc, s. and h., L 6 Aug. 18 12, at Hills- borough Castle; sly/e^ Earl of Hillsborough till 1845; ^'^- ^^ Eton circa 1824-29; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 21 Oct. 1830; Sheriff of co. Down 1 834; M.P. (Conservative) for co. Down, 1 836-45 ; Pres. of the Royal Agric. Soc, 1850; K.P., 24 May 1859. He m., 23 Aug. 1837, at Wrensbury, Cheshire, Caroline Frances, ist da. of Stapleton (Stapleton-Cotton), ist Viscount Combermere of Bhurtpore, by his 2nd wife, Caroline, da. of William Fulke Greville. He d. 6 Aug. 1868, at the Dolphin Inn, Heme Bay, Kent, aged S^-i^) Will pr. under ;£20o,ooo. His widow, who was l>. 18 15, at Malmaison, near Paris, c/. 10 May 1893, at Bigshotte Bayles, near Wokingham, Berks. Will pr. at ;^2,886. V. 1868. 5. Arthur Wills Blundell Trumbull Sandys RoDEN (Hill), Marquess of Downshire, tfc. [I.], also Earl of Hillsborough, ^fc, 2nd but ist surv.C") s. and h., />. 24 Dec. 1844, at 45 Upper Grosvenor Str., Midx.; sty/ed Eakl of Hillsborough, 1845-68; sometime, 1866-68, an officer in the ist Life Guards. A Con- servative. He m., 26 July 1870, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Georgiana Eliza- beth, da. of John Balfour, of Balbirnie, co. Fife, by Georgiana Isabella, da. of John Frederick (Campbell), ist Earl Cawdor. He d. 31 Mar. 1874, aged 29, at Easthampstead Park, Berks. His widow was living 191 6. VI. 1874. 6. Arthur Wills John Wellington Trumbull Blundell (Hill), Marquess of Downshire [1789], Earl of Hillsborough [1751], Viscount Hillsborough [1717], Vis- count KiLWARLiN [1751], and Baron Hill of Kilwarlin [1717], in the peerage of Ireland, also Earl of Hillsborough [1772], Viscount Fair- ford [1772], and Baron Harwich [1756], in the peerage of Great Britain, only s. and h., k 2 July 1871, at 24 Belgrave Sq., Midx.; srykd Earl of Hillsborough till 1874. A Conservative. He m., istly, 22 June 1893, at St. Peter's, Eaton Sq., Katherine Mary, 2nd da. of the Hon. Hugh Henry Hare, by Georgiana Caroline, da. of Col. Binnie Browne. From her, who was l>. i Oct. 1872, at 62 St. George's Sq., he obtained a decree nisi 18 Apr. 1 902.0 He m., 2ndly, 16 May 1907, at St. Clement Danes, Strand, Evelyn Grace May, da. of Edmund Benson Foster, of Clewer Manor, Berks, by Edith, 2nd da. of Sir Thomas Fraser Grove, Bart. She was h. 2 May 1876, at Clewer Manor afsd. (*) He possessed immense physical strength, and is said, when a boy at school, to have killed a bargee by a blow of his fist. In General Dyott's Diary, 1 7 May 1 836, he is described as " A quiet gentlemanlike man." On the other hand, Jane Welsh Carlyle, in a letter dat. 31 Dec. i860, calls him "a dear, good, kind-hearted savage of a man." V.G. (•>) An elder br. was b. June 1841. (') This was for her crim. con. with Joseph Laycock, Capt. in the Yeomanry. The decree was made absolute 27 Oct. 1902, and she m. J. Laycock 19 Nov. following. V.G.