Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/479

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DOWNSHIRE 461 [Arthur Wills Percy Wellington Blundell Trumbull Sandys Hill, styled Earl of Hillsborough, ist s. and h. ap., b. at Dowiishirc House, Belgrave Sq., 7 Apr., and bap. 15 May 1894, at Easthampstead, the Duke of Connaught being a sponsor. He served in the great European War as Lieut. Berks Yeomanry.(*)] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 5,287 acres in Berks (valued at ;^4,853 a year), and 281 in Suffolk; besides, in Ireland, of 78,051 acres in co. Down; 15,766 in co. Wicklow; 13,679 in King's County; 5,787 in co. Antrim; and 1,338 in co. Kildare. Total, 120,189 acres, valued at ^^96,691 a year. Principal Residences.— Ylxlhhorough Castle, CO. Down, and Easthampstead Park, near Bracknell, Berks. The Marquess of Downshire is one of the 28 noblemen who, in 1883, possessed above 100,000 acres in the United Kingdom, being in point of acreage the 1 8th; but in point of yearly income the 8th. See a list of these in vol. vi, Appendix H. DOWNTON " Lord Feversham, Baron of Downton, co. Wilts " (Duncombe), see " Feversham," Barony, cr. 1747; extinct 1763. DRAYCOTEC) Sir Richard de Draycote,^) of Draycote, co. Stafford, s. and h. of Sir Philip de Draycote, of the same (who d. before 8 July I294),() by Alice, his wife (who d. before Apr. I30i).(') He was under age, 7 Apr. 1269.0 ^^ ^^^ ^""1- ^°^ Military Service from May (1297) 25 Edw. I to 20 Aug. (13 16) 10 Edw. II, to a Council, May (1324) 17 Edw. II, and to attend the King at Salisbury, 26 Jan. (1296/7) (') His brother, Lord Arthur Francis Henry Hill, also served as Lieut. 2nd Dragoons (Scots Greys). For a list of peers and sons of peers who served in this war see vol. viii, Appendix F. V.G. (>>) This article is by G. W. Watson. V.G. ("=) The arms of this family were. Paly of six Argent and Gules, a bend Ermine. (d) Coram Rege, Hilary, 22 Edw. I, m. 27 d. This Philip was s. and h. of Sir Richard de Draycote, by Aline (or Hawise), aunt and coh. of Robert de Legh, of Leigh, CO. Stafford, and ist da. of another Robert de Legh, of the same. [De Bamo, Hilary, 25 Edw. I, m. 12 d; Hilary, 32 Edw. I, m. 193; Trinity, 16 Edw. HI, m. 360). (') De Banco, Mich., 22-23 Edw. I, m. 93; Easter, 29 Edw. I, m. 25 d. (f) Curia Regis Roll, no. 188, m. 3.