Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/481

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DROGHEDA 463 II- 1627. 2. Charles(Moore), Viscount Moore OF Drogheda, &c. [I.], 3rd but 1st surv.(») s. and h. male, knighted Apr. 1 623 ; was 24 years old at his father's death. P.C. [I.] 20 Feb. 1 627/8. He acted with extraordinary vigour during the Irish rebellion of 1640, standing a siege by some 14,000 rebels at Drogheda. Gov. of co. Louth, 1642. He in. Alice, yst. da. of Adam (Loftus), ist Viscount Loftus OF Ely [I.], by Sarah, da. of ( — ) Bathow. He was slain by a cannon shot, 7 Aug. 1643, at Portlester, co. Meath, and was l>ur. at St. Peter's, Drogheda. His widow (/. 13 June 1649, "of a gangreene," having broken her leg by a fall from her horse three days previously, and was hur. with hinLC") Admon. (of both) 10 Oct. 1650, to a son, "Adam Moore, Esq." III. 1643. 3 and I. Henry (Moore), Viscount Moore of Drogheda, (sfc. [I.], s. and h.; M.P. for Ardee, EARLDOM [I.] 1639/40-43; was, on his father's death, made, in 1643, a Gov. of the counties of Meath and Louth, i^c., as also I. 1 66 1. Col. of a troop of Horse; Gov. of Dundalk in or before 1645. ^^ shared in the great victory over the rebel Irish, 8 Aug. 1647, at Dungan Hill, near Trim. In 1653 he com- pounded with the then Government for £6,^^}, being about double the clear net rental of his estates. After the Restoration he was app. Gov. of Drogheda, Sep. 1660, and P.C. [I.] Dec. 1660. On 14 June 1661, he was cr. EARL OF DROGHEDA [I.]. It is not recorded in the Lords' Journals [I.] when he took his seat, but he appears to have been present in the House i July 1661. He m. Alice, sister of Henry, ist Earl of Sunderland, da. of William (Spencer), 2nd Baron Spencer of Worm- LEiGHTON, by Penelope, da. of Henry (Wriotheslev), Earl of Southamp- ton. He d. 12, and was bur. 15 Jan. 1675/6, in Ch. Ch., Dublin. Will dat. I Jan. 1675/6, pr. [I.] 1676. His widow, who wzs biip. 29 Dec. 1625, at Brington, Northants, had a grant, 15 Oct. 1694, of ;^2,ooo in recom- pense for 3 years' loss of her jointure during the wars of 1689. She d. between July 1696 and 1712. Will dat. 15 July 1696, pr. 1712. EARLDOM [I.] n. VISCOUNTCY [I.] IV. 2 and 4. Charles (Moore), Earl of Drogheda, i^c. [I.], s. and h.; siyled Vis- , . count Moore till 1676. He m. (articles ^^'^- 28 Oct. 1669) Laetitia Isabella, da. of John (Robartes), 1st Earl of Radnor (then Lord Lieut. [I.]), by his 2nd wife, Isabella, da. of Sir John Smythe. He d. s.p.s., (») The eldest s.. Sir Edward Moore, d. s.p.m.; the 2nd s., Sir Thomas, m. Sarah, 2nd da. of Richard (Boyle), Earl of Corke, and d. s.p., I Dec. 1623. V.G. C") The Lord Deputy Wentworth writes of her, 10 Dec. 1638, as "that unclean mouthed daughter of his [i.e. Viscount Loftus] busieth herself up and down the Court, affirming with her accustomed truth," ^c. She had engaged in a conspiracy to betray Dundalk and Drogheda into the hands of the Pari., and was imprisoned in Dublin Castle Apr. 1645. V.G.