Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/482

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464 DROGHEDA 18 June 1679, in Dublin. His widow (*) m., about 1680, as his ist wife, William Wycherley, the well-known dramatist, who d. i, and was bur. 5 Jan. 1 71 5/6, in St. Paul's, Covent Garden. She d'. probably in 1681. EARLDOM [I.] 3 and 5. Henry (Hamilton-Moore), j Earl of Drogheda, ^c. [I.], br. and h. I , On the death, 26 Dec. 1677, of his sister irTcr-rMTNTTrv n 1 I Alice, Dowager Countess of Clanbrassil VlijLUUIN 1(^1 L^-J [1.]^ who had devised to him the estates of V. the Hamilton family, he assumed that sur- name; sometime a Cornet of Horse; P.C. [I.] Sep. 1680; attainted, in his absence, by the Irish Pari., 7 May 1689, of James IIjC") against whom he commanded a regt. at the Boyne and at Limerick, being Col. of a regt. of Foot 1689-98; one of the Lords Justices [I.] 1696-97 and 1 701-02 ;(') took his seat in the House of Lords [L] 5 Oct. 1692; Commissioner for forfeited estates, 1699. Gov. of cos. Meath and Louth. He m., 3 July 1 675, Mary, sister of Arthur, Baron Ranelagh [I.], da. of Sir John Cole, ist Bart. [I.], of Newland, by Elizabeth, da. of John Chichester, of Dungannon. He d'. in Dublin, 7 June 1714, andwas hur. on Friday following at St. Peter's, Drogheda. Will dat. 2 5 May 1 7 1 3,(*) pr. 1714. His widow d'. in Dublin, 6, and was bur. 10 May 1726, at St. Anne's, Soho, Midx. Will pr. May 1726. [Charles Moore, j/y/e^ Viscount Moore, ist s. and h. ap., iap. i Dec. 1676; M.P. for Drogheda, 1692-99 and 1703-13. He m., 24 Aug. 1699, Jane, da. and h. of Arthur (Loftus), 3rd and last Viscount Loftusof Ely [L], by his 2nd wife, Anne, widow of Sir Andrew Owens, da. of William Hawkins. She d. at Bath 17 13. He d'. a few days before his father, 21 May 1 7 14, and was bur. at Monasterevan, aged 37.] EARLDOM [I.] ^ 4 ^"d 6. Henry (Moore), Earl of Drog- heda, ^c. [I.], grandson and h., being s. and h. of Charles Moore, sty/ed Viscount -.,„„„,, ^,™^Y rr 1 I MooRE,and Jane, his wife, both abovenamed; Vlb(^UUJMCI [l.J ^_ ^ Q^^_ j^^^^ ^^j ^^^ ^^^^^^ Viscount VI. MooRE from 21 May to 7 June 17 14; took his seat in the House of Lords [I.] 9 Oct. (*) According to Macaulay she was, at the time of her second marriage, a gay young widow, with an ample jointure, ill-tempered, imperious, and extravagantly jealous. V.G. (*>) For a list of peers present in, and absent from, this Pari., see vol. iii, Appen- dix D. He was one of those in arms for the Prince of Orange in 1688. See a list thereof, vol. ii, Appendix H. V.G. (c) "Tuesday 17 March i 701/2, about 12 of the Clock the Packets brought the sad news of His Ma*'^ King William's death, and in the afternoone I Proclamed Her Royal Highness Princess Ann of Denmark Q. of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, their Ex"^^ the Lords Justices attended the Proclamation in their Coach, the L^ Drogheda not being able to ride he was so ill of the gout." (Ulster's Diaries, MS., Office of Arms [I.]; ex inform. G. D. Burtchaell). V.G. IV [714.