Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/781

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APPENDIX H 759 Barony, the Rolls of Purl, have been carefully consulted, for the purpose of ascertaining the designation of the Barons therein, and the result fully confirms the opinion here expressed on the subject. On no occasion where the names of the Lords Cherleton occur, until the 46th Edw. Ill, is the addition of Powys to be found, but in that year ' Monsr. Johan de Charleton de Poivys ' was appointed a Trier of Petitions. Among the Lords present in 1397 were the 'Sire de Camoys,' ' le Sire de Powys,' 'le Sire de Fitz-Wauter,' ' Wm. Beauchamp Sire de Bergavenny,' 'le Sire de Grey de Codnore,' ' le Sire de Grey de Ruthyn,' i^c. After this period, however, viz. in the i Hen. IV, 1399, he is described among the Peers present on that occasion as ' le Sire de Cherleton,' and again in the following year as 'Johan, Sire de Cherleton,' about which time he died. The name does not occur again until the 6th of Hen. IV, when the Earl of Arundel and 'les Sires de Powys and de Furnyvell ' were appointed to observe a certain ordinance. In the 8th of Hen. IV we find the name of ' Edwardo de Charleton de Powys,' among those of several other Barons, present at the settlement of the succession of the Crown. No further notice is given of these Barons until the reign of Hen. V, and then the name occurs but three times, but always as 'Sire de Powys.' The Barony fell into abeyance in 1422, and con- sequently no more information is to be gained on the subject. It is presumed that this examination strengthens the opinion that the original and proper designation of this Barony was and still is that of Cherleton, and that the subsequent alteration should not be adopted in preference to the title of the first creation; for it is evident that the original title of this Barony was not totally abandoned, except for a few years in the reign of Hen. V, by Edward the 4th and last Baron, whilst of the three preceding Barons, the first never bore any other appellation than Cherleton; the second, for about twenty years, bore the same title without any alteration whatever, but afterwards adopted that of ' Cherleton de Powes,' which addition was retained by his son and successor, the 3rd Baron, who, though sometimes described as ' Sire de Powes,' was nevertheless, as is stated above, on the two last occasions when his name occurs in the Rolls of Pari., expressly called 'Sire de Cherleton.' "Whilst alluding to the Barony of Powis, if in fact there was such a Barony at that period, it is to be observed that in the Rolls of Pari., 33 Hen. VI, 1455, the ' Dominus de Powes' is said to have been present in Pari. This appellation could not possibly be used to describe John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, mentioned below, who is said by Dugdale to have been Baron Fowes Jure matris, for this is the first mention in the Rolls of a Lord Powis after 1420, his father having been summoned as 'John Tiptofte,' and he himself was created Earl of Worcester six years before, and, moreover, on that occasion his name appears by his proper title of 'Comes Wygorn;' it must therefore, the editor presumes, apply to Richard Grey, father of John Grey, who was sum. to Pari, as 'Johanni Grey de Powis,' 22 Edw. IV, but no account of the said Richard having been sum. to Pari, is recorded."