Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/782

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76o APPENDIX H The concluding paragraph, as altered by "Courthope," is as follows: " These remarks have been made on the supposition that no act ever took place in favour of Edward Tiptoft, s. and h. of John, Earl of "Worcester, the other coheir of the Barony, said to have been attainted in 1470, but the Rolls of Pari, give no account either of such attainder or of any subsequent proceedings on the subject of it (vide Note under Worcester). If there were no attainder, the moiety of the Barony of Cherleton, to which the said Edward Tiptoft was heir, devolved on his death, infra tetatem^ s.p., on his aunts, viz. Philippa, who m. Thomas Lord Roos; Johanna, the wife of Sir Robert Ingoldesthorp; and Joyce, who m. Edmund Sutton, s. and h. apparent of Lord Dudley, or more properly Lord Sutton of Dudley; whilst the other moiety was at the same time vested in John Grey de Powys, great-grandson of Joan, eldest da. and coheir of Edward, 4th [rectius ^r/i] Baron Cherleton."