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The following list contains the titles of the books and documents which have been found useful during the preparation of the preceding memoir on the Coronado expedition of 1540-1542. The works cited have helped, in one way or another, toward the formation of the opinions expressed in the Historical Introduction, and in them may be found the authority for the statements made in the introduction and in the notes to the translations of the Spanish narratives. It is hoped that no source of information of prime importance has been overlooked. The comments on the various books, essays, and documents are such as suggested themselves in the course of the examination of the works in question.

References are given to the location of the more important documents, so far as these are available in the various collections of printed documents. The value of these sources has been discussed in the preceding pages, and these opinions are not repeated in this list. The titles of the printed books are quoted from the editions which came nearest to the authors' manuscripts, so far as these editions could be consulted. Reference is made also to the most available later editions, and to the English and French translations of Spanish, Italian, and Latin works. With hardly an exception, the titles are quoted from the volumes themselves, as they were found in the Harvard College Library or in the John Carter Brown Library of Providence. The Lenox Library of New York supplied such volumes as were not to be found in Cambridge, Boston, or Providence.

Dr Justin Winsor and Mr F. W. Hodge have rendered very material assistance in giving this list such completeness as it possesses. To Mr Hodge especially are due many of the titles which relate to the ethnological and archeological aspects of the subject.

Abelin, Johann Phillip; pseud. Johann Ludwig Gottfriedt.
Newe Welt vnd Americanische Historien. Franckfurt, M. DC. LV.

Page 560. Beschreibung der grossen Landachafft Cibola.

Alarcon, Hernando.

De lo que hizo por la mar Hernando de Alarcon, que con dos nauios andana por la costa por orden del Visorrey don Antonio de Mendoça.

Herrera, Duc. VI, lib. ix, cap. xlii.

— Relatione della Navigatione & scoperta che fece il Capitano Fernando Alarcone per ordine dello Illustris simo Signor Don Antonio di Mendozza Vice Re della nuona Spagna.

Ramusio, III, fol. 363-370. edition of 1556; III, fol. 303 verbo, edition of 1606.

— The relation of the nanigation and discouery which Captaine Fernando Alarchon made by the order of the right honourable Lord Don Antonio de Mendoça vizeroy of New Spaine.

Hakluyt, 111, 425-439, edition of 1600. This translation is made from Ramusio's text.

— Relation de la navigation et de la découverte faite par le capitaine Fernando Alarcon. Par l'ordre de . . . don Antonio de Mendoza.

Ternaux, ix (Cibola volume), 299-348. From Rasmusio's text.

Alarcon, Hernando Continned.

— Relacion del armada del Marqués del Valle, capitaneada de Francisco de Ulloa. . . y de la que el virey de Nueva España envió con un Alarcon.

Doc. de España, iv, 218-219. A very brief, probably contemporary, mention of the diacovery of Colorado river.

Alvarado, Hernando de.

Relacion de lo que Hernando de Alvarado y Fray Joan de Radilla descubrieron en demanda de la mar del Sur. Agosto de 1540.

Doc. de Indias, III, 511-513. B. Smith's Florida, 65-66. Translated in the Boston Transcript, 14 Oct., 1893, and on page 594 ante

Alvarado, Pedro de.

Asiento y capitulaciones, entre el virey de Nueva España, D. Antonio de Mendoza, y el adelantado, D. Pedro de Alvarado, para la prosecucion del descubrimiento de tierra nneva, hecho por Fr. Márcos de Niza. Pneblo de Tiripitio de la Nueva España, 29 Noviembre, 1540.

Doc. de Indias, II, 351-362. Also in the same collection, XVI, 342-355. See page 353 ante.

— Proceso de residencia contra Pedro de Alvarado, . . . sacadas de los antignos codices inexicanos, y notas y noticias ... por D. Jose Fernando