Alvarado, Pedro de—Continued.
A collection of documents of considerable interest; with facsimile illustrations and portrait.
Ardoino, Antonio.
Barcia, Historiadores Primitivos. I (vi), pp.50. See note nnder Cabeza de Vaca Relacion.
Ayllon, Lucas Vazquez de.
Presentó eu Madrid, 31 Marzo, 1541.
Doc. de Indias, xiv, 503515.
Bancroft, George.
For Coronado see Vol. 1, 3237. Written from the documents translated in Ternaux, Cibola.
Bancroft, Hubert Howe.
34 volumes. Vol. v, Mexico, II, 15211600. Vol. x, North Mexican States, 15311800. Vol. XII, Arizona and New Mexico, 1530 1888: pages 173 are devoted to Cabeza de Vaca and Coronado. The range of Mr H. H. Bancroft's extensive literary labors has seriously interfered with the accuracy in statement and the soundness of judgment which are so essential to satisfactory historical writing. His volumes, however, contain an immense number of references, often mentioniug documentary sources and manuscript materials which are as yet practically beyond the reach of other students.
Bandelier, Adolph Francis (Alphonse).
Papers of the Archæological Institute of America, American series, 1, Boston, 1881. 2d edition, 1883, pp. 1-33. Relates especially to the Coronado expedition. Cited in the preceding pages as Bandelier's Introduction.
Papers of the Archæological Institute of America, American series, 1, 1881, pp. 37133. In the same volume as the preceding entry.
Das Ausland, 1884, No. XIII, pp. 241-243.
Papers of the Archæological Institute of America, American series, 11, Boston, 1884.
Bandelier, Adolph Francis (Alphonse) — Continned.
Bulletin of the Archeological Institute of America, I, Boston, Jan., 1883, pp. 13-33.
Congrès International des Américanistes, 1888, pp. 450459. Berlin, 1890.
Papers of the Archaeological Institute of America, Am. series, v, and The Hemenway Southwestern Archeological Expedition, Cambridge. 1890. Cited in the preceding pages as Bundelier's Contributions. An invaluable work, the result of careful documentary study and of much experience in field work in the southwest. It will always serve as the fonndation of all satisfactory etudy of the history of the Spaniards in that portion of the United States.
Nation, N. Y., 31 Oct. and 7 Nov. 1889. (Nos. 1970, 1271.) Lotters dated Santa Fé, October 15, 1889.
Nation, N. Y., 28 Aug. and 4 Sept., 1890 (Nos. 1313, 1314). Letters dated Santa Fé, Aug. 1, 11, 1890.
A story, in which Mr Bandelier has portrayed, with considerable success, the ways of life and of thinking among the Indians of the New Mexican pueblos, before the advent of Europeans.
American Catholic Quarterly Review, Philadelphia, July, 1890, XV, 551565.
Journal American Ethnology and Archæology, iii, Boston, 1892, pp. 1115. This work remained in manuscript for some years before it was printed. It contains many extracts from the contemporary narratives, in translation; that of Castañeda being taken from Ternaux's version. See note on page 389.
Papers of the Archaeological Institute of America. Cambridge; Part I. 1890; Part II, 1892.
The most valuable of all of Bandelier's memoirs on south western history and ethnology. It bears the same relation to the work of the American ethnologist as his Contributions do to that of the historical student.
American Anthropologist, Washington, Oct., 1892, v, 319.
This work contains much valuable material concerning the early history of the sonthwest, bnt should be used with care, as it was edited and published during the author's absence in Peru.