Bandelier, Adolph Francis (Alphonse) — Continued.
Revue d'Ethnographie, v (1886), 31, 117, 193 (50 pages).
Magazine of Western History, iv, Cleveland, Supt., 1886, pp. 659-670. The same material was used in the articles in the Revue d'Ethnographie.
Magazine of Western History, iv, Cleveland, July, 1886, pp. 327-336.
Barcia, Andres Gonzales.
These three folio volumes are made up of very satisfactory reprints of a number of the narratives of the early Spanish conquerors of America. The Naufragios and Comentarios of Cabeza de Vaca are in the first volume.
The name on the title page is an anagram for that of S-Gonzalez Barcia. Florida, in In the 1603 Spanish edition, fol. 141. this work, comprises all of America north of Mexico. The Ensayo was published with the Florida del Ynca of 1723. New York and London, 1884.
Baxter, Sylvester.
Harper's Magazine, LXV, June, 1882, pp. 772-91.
Century Magazine, ii (xxiv), August, 1882, pp. 526-536.
Reprinted from the Boston Herald, April 15, 1888.
Begert, or Baegert, Jacob.
Translated and arranged for the Smithsonian Institution by Charles Ran, of New York City, in the Smithsonian Reports, 1863, pp. 352-389; 1864, pp. 378-399. Reprinted by Rau in Papers on Anthropological Subjects, pp. 1-40.
Benavides, Alonso de.
Translations of this valuable work were published in French at Bruxelles, 1631, in Latin at Salzburg, 1634, and in German at Salzburg, probably also in 1634.
Benzoni, Girolamo.
Besides early Latin, Dutch, and German translations of Benzoni, there is an old French edition (Geneva, 1579). An English translation was published by the Hakluyt Society in 1857.
Blackmar, Frank Wilson.
Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, extra volume, x.
Johns Hopkins University Studios, VIII, April, 1890, pp. 121-193.
Agora, Lawrence, Kans., begiuning Jan., 1896. This series of papers is not yet completed.
Botero, Giovanni.
For Ceuota and Quiuira, libro quarto (p. 277). The text was considerably altered and amplified in the successive early editions. In the 1603 Spanish edition, fol. 141.
Bourke, John Gregory.
Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nuñez.
This was reprinted, with the addition of the Comentarios. . . del Rio de la Plata, at Valladolid in 1555. It was translated by Ramusio, III, fol. 310-330 (ed. 1556), and was paraphrased into English, from Ramusio, by Purchas, Pilgrimes, Part iv, lib. viii chap. I, pp. 1499-1528. There is a useful note regarding the first edition of the Naufragios and its author, in Harrisse, Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima, p. 382. The Naufragios and Comentarios were reprinted at Madrid in 1736, preceded by the Examen Apologetico of Ardoino (see entry under his name), and it is this edition which was included in Barcia's collection of 1749, the 1736 title pages being preserved.
Doc. de Indias, xiv, 265-279. Instruccion para el factor, por el Rey, pp. 205–269. Apparently an early copy of a fragment of the Naufragios.