Haynes, Henry Williamson — Continued.
Proceedings American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, new series, 1,421-435 (Oct., 1881).
The revival of interest in the early history of the southwestern United States has been, in no slight measure, due to impetus given by Professor Haynes of Boston. He was most active in furthering the researches of Mr Handelier, under the auspices of the Archæological Institute of America, and to his careful editorial supervision a large part of the accuracy and the value of Mr Bandelier's printed reports and communications are due.
Herrera, Antonio de.
There is a French translation of three Decades of Herrera. printed between 1659 and 1671, and an English translation of the same three decades. by Captain John Stevens. London, 1725-26, and reissned in 1740, in which the arrangement of the work is altered. The most available and also the best edition of the Spanish is the admirable reprint issued at Madrid by Barcia, in 1730. Some titles are dated as early as' 1726, being altered as successive delays hindered the completion of the work. For Coronado, see decada vi, libro v, cap. ix, and dec. vi, lib. ix. cap. xi-xv.
Hodge, Frederick Webb.
Am. Anthropologist, iii, Washington,,July, 1890.
Ibid., vi. July, 1893.
Ibid., viii, April, 1895.
Ibid., viii, July, 1895.
Ibid., ix, April, 1890.
Holmes, William Henry.
Tenth Annual Report of the (Hayden) U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, 1876.
Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1881-82, pp. 427-510.
— Pottery of the ancient Pueblos.
Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1882-83. pp. 265-300.
Icazbalceta, Joaquin Garcia,
Cited in the preceding pages as Icazbalceta's Mexico.
Cited as Icazbalceta'a Nueva coleccion.
Icazbalceta, Joaquin Garcia — Continued.
See also the entries under Cervantes de Salazar, Mendieta, Mota Padilla, for works edited by Señor Icazbalceta. Possesaed of ample means and scholarly tastes, untiring industry and great historical and literary ability, Señor Garcia Icazbalceta will always be one of the masters of Spanish-American history. The extent of his researches, the accuracy and care which characterize all of his work, and the breadth and insight with which he treated whatever subject attracted him. leave little for future students to desire. The more intimate the student becomes with the first century of the history of New Spain, the greater is his appreciation of the loss caused by the death of Señor Garcia Icazbalceta.
Doc. de Indias. xiv, 373-384. Partly translated on pp. 596-597 ante.
Doc. de Indias, xv, 392-398. See page 370 ante.
Jaramillo, Juan.
Doc. de Indias, xiv, 304-317. B. Smith's Florida. 154-163. Translated on pages 584-593 ante. There is a French translation in Ternaux, Cibola, app. vi, 364-382.
King, Edward; Viscount Lord Kingsborough.
Nine vols. Besides the reproductions of Mexican hieroglyphic writings, for which this magnificent work is best known, the later volumes contain a number of works printed from Spanish manuscripts. Despite the statement on the last page of many copies. the work was never completed, Motolinia'a Historia breaking off abruptly in the midst of the text. See the note under King, in Sabin's Dictionary of American Books.