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Mendoza, Antonio de — Continued.

— Carta del virey Don Antonio do Mendoza al Emporador. — De Jacona, 17 Abril, 1540.

Doc. de Indias, ii, 356-362. A French translation is in Ternaux, Cibola, 290-298. For an English translation, see pp. 547-551 ante.

— Instruccion que debia observar el capitan Hernaudo de Alarcou eu la expedicion á la California que iba á emprender de órdeu del virey D. Antonio do Mendoza. — México, postrero dia del mes de mayo de myll y quinioutos v quarenta é uno.

B. Smith, Florida, 1-6.

— Carta de D. Antonio de Mendoza á Juan de Aguilar, pidiendo se la autorizase para avenirse con los portugueses, sobre la posesion do territorios conquistados. . . para que dello haga relacion á S. A. y á los señores de su consejo.

Doc. de Indias. m, 506-511. B. Smith, Florida. 7-10. "Acerca del descnbrimiento de las siete ciudades de Ponients." Circa 1543.

— Carta de Don Antonio de Mendoza virey de la Nueva España, al comendador mayor de Leon, participándole la muerte del adelantado do 'Guatemala y Honduras, y el estado de otros varios asuntos. Mexico, 10 marzo, 1542.

Cartas de Indias, pp. 253-255, and in facsimile.

— Carta del virey Don Antonio de Meudoza, dando cuenta al principe Don Felipe do haber hecho el reparto de la tierra de Nueva España, y exponiendo la necesidad que tenia de pasar á Castilla, para tratar verbalmente con S. M. de ciertos negocios de goibernaciou y hacienda. Mexico, 30 octubre, 1548.

Cartas de Indias, pp. 256-257.

— Carta del virey Don Antonio de Mendoza al Emperador Don Carlos, contestando á un mandato de S. M. relativo al repartimiento de los servicios personales en la Nueva España. — Guastepeque, 10,junio, 1549.

Cartas de Indies, pp. 258-259.

— Fragmeuto de la visita hecha á don Antonio de Meudoza. Interrogatorio por el cual han de ser examinados los testigos que presente por su parte don Antonio de Mendoza. 8 Enero, 1547.

XLIV cargos, 303 paragrafos. Icazbalceta's Mexico, n, 72-140.

— See the Asiento y Capitulaciones con Alvarado above.

Mindeleff, Cosmos.

Casa grande ruin.

Thirteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. 1891-92, pp. 295-319.

— Aboriginal remains in Verde valley, Arizona.

Ibid, pp. 179-261.

Mindeleff, Victor.

A study of pueblo architecture: Tusayan and Cibola.

Eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. 1886-87, pp. 1-228, cxi plates. The text and illustrations of this admirable paper convey a very clear idea of the pueblo dwellings of New Mexico and Arizona, and make it, on this account, of great value to students who have never visited these regions.

Molina, Alonso de.

Aqui comiença vn vocabulario en la leugna Castellana y Mexicana (Colophon) Mexico, 1555.

Father Molina prepared a Vocabulario, Arte, and Confessionario in the Mexican languages, which are very valuable as a means of interpreting the native words adopted by the conquistadores. The originals, and the later editions as well, of all three works are of very considerable rarity.

Morgan, Lewis Henry.

Houses and house life of tho American aborigines. — Washington, 1881.

Contributions to North American Ethnoloqy. vol. iv. Houses of the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico, cap. vi-viii, pp. 132-197.

— On the ruins of a stone pueblo on the Animas river, in New Mexico, with a grouud plan.

Report of the Peabody Museum, xii, Cambridge, 1880, pp. 536-556.

— The seven cities of Cibola.

North American Review, April, 1869, cviii, 457-498.

Moses, Bernard.

The Casa de Contratacion of Seville.

Report of the American Historical Association for 1894, Washington, 1895, pp. 93-123. This paper is a very useful outline of the legal constitution and functions of the Casa de Contratacion, derived for the most part from Capt. John Stevens' English version (London, 1702) of Don Joseph de Veitia Linage's Norte de la Contratacion de las Indias Occidentales. (Seville, 1672.)

There is an admirable account of the form of government adopted by the Spaniards for New Spain, by Professor Moses, in the Yale Review, vol. iv, numbers 3 and 4 (November, 1895, and Febuary, 1896).

Mota Padilla, Matias de la.

Historia do la conquista de la provincia de la Nueva-Galicia, escrita en 1742. — Mexico, 1870.

Published in the Boletin of tho Sociedad iiexicana de Geografia y Estadistica, and also issued separately with Noticias Biograficas by Señor Garcia Icazbalceta, dated Marzo 12 de 1872. It is an extensive work of the greatest value, although there are reasons for fearing that the printed text is not an accurate copy of t he original manuscript. Cited as Mota Padilla.

Motolinia, Fray Toribio de Benavente ó.

Historia de los Indios de la Nueva España.

Icazbalceta's Mexico, i, pp. 249, with an introduction of 100 pp. by Sr José Fernando Ramírez; in Doc. de España. lii, 297-574; and also printed in Lord Kingsborough's Antiquities of Mexico, vol. ix. See note under King.