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Page:The Coronado expedition, 1540-1542.djvu/418

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[eth. ann. 14

Motolinia, Fray Toribio de Benavente ó — Continued.

— Esta es la relación postrera de Sívola, y de más de cuatrocientas leguas adelante.

A manuscript found among the "Memoriales" de Motolinia, now in the archives of the late Sr Icazbalceta. Printed for the first time in the present volume. See pages 566-571 ante.

Muriel, Domingo.

Fasti Novi Orbis et ordination in apostolicarum,. . . opera D. Cyriaci Morelli. Venetiis, MDCCLXXVI.

See page 23 for a mention of events in 1539-1542

Niza, Fray Marcos de.

Relaciou del descubrimiento de las siete ciudades, por el P. Fr. Márcos de Niza. — 2 Setiembre 1539.

Doc. de Indias, iii, 325-351. Translated into Italian by Ramusio, iii, fol. 356-359 (1550 ed.). and thence into English by Hakluyt. iii, 366-373 (1600 ed.). A French translation is in Ternaux, Cibola, app. i and ii, 249-284.

Nordenskiöld, Gustav.

The cliff dwellers of the Mesa Verde, southwestern Colorado, their pottery and implements. Translated by D. Lloyd Morgau. — Stockholm, 1894.

Chapter xiv, "The Pueblo tribes in the sixteenth century," pp. 144-166, contains a translation of portions of Castañeda, from the French version.

Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo Fernandez de.

La historia general de las Indias. — (Colophon) Seuilla, 1535.

Reprinted at Salamanca in 1547, and at Madrid in 1851, as follows:

— Historia general y natural de las In dias, por el Capitau Gonzalo Fernau dez de Oviedo y Valdés, primer cro nista del Nuevo Mundo. Publicala la Real Academia de la Historia, con las enmiendas y adiciones del autor, é ilustrada. . por D. José Amador de los Eios. — Madrid 1851-1855.

These four volumes forun the definitive edition of Oviedo. They were priuted from the author's manuscript, and include the fourth volume, which had not hitherto been printed.

Owens, John G.

Natal ceremonies of the Hopi Indians.

Journal Am. Ethnology and Archeology (Boston, 1893), 11, 163-175.

Pacheco-Cardenas Coleccion,

Coleccion de documentos inéditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista, y colonizacion de las posesioues españolas en América y Occeanía, sacados . . . bajo la direccion de D. Joaquiu F. Pacheco y D. Francisco de Cárdenas. — Madrid, 1864-1884.

In 42 volumes. The title-page varies much from year to year. There is as yet no useful index in priut. Cited as Doc. de Indias.

Paez, Juan.

Relaciou del descubrimiento que hizo Juan Rodriguez (Cabrillo) navegan-

Paez, Juan — Continued.

do por la contracosta del mar del Sur al Norte, hecha por Juan Paez.

Doc. de Indias, xiv, 165-191: B. Smith, Florida, 173-189. Partió 27 Junio 1542. This report, which was probably written by the pilot Bartolome Ferrel or Ferrelo, has been translated in the Report of the U. S. Geol. Survey West of the 10th Meridian, vii, 293-314. See note on page 412 ante.

Peralta. See Suarez de Peralta.

Prince, Le Baron Bradford.

Historical sketches of New Mexico from the earliest records to the American occupation. — New York and Kansas City, 1883.

For Caveza de Baca, Marcos de Niza, and Coronado, see pp. 40-148.

Proceso del Marqués del Valle y Nuño de Guzman y los adelantados Soto y Alvarado, sobre el descubrimiento de la tierra nueva — en Madrid, 3 Marzo, 1540; 10 Junio, 1541.

Doc. de Indias, xv, 300-408. See page 380 249-284. ante.

Proctor, Edna Dean.

The song of the ancient people. — Bostou 1893.

Contains preface and note by John Fiske and commentary by F. H. Cushing.

Ptolemy, C.

La Geografia di Clavdio Ptolemeo, con alcuni comenti & aggiunti fatteni da Sebastiano munstero, con le tauole non solamente antiche & moderne solite di stāparsi, ma altre nuoue. — In Venetia, M. D. XLVIII.
The maps in this edition of Ptolemy's Geography for the first time present the results of Coronado's explorations. See plate xli ante. The bibliography of Ptolemy has been set forth with great clearness and in most convenient form by Dr Justin Winsor in the Bibliographical Contributions of the Harvard College Library, No. 18; and with greater detail by Mr Wilberforce Eames, in volume xvi of Sabin's Dictionary of American Books.

Purchas, Samuel.

Pvrchas his pilgrimage. Or relations of the world and the religions observed and places discouered. . . — London, 1613.

The eighth book. America, chap. viii. Of Cibola, Tiguez, Quivira, and Noua Albion, pp. 648-653. There were two editions of this work in 1614, one in 1617, and one, the best in 1626, forming the fifth volume of the Pilgrimes.

— Haklvytvs posthumus or Purchas, his pilgrimes. Contayniug a history of the world, in sea voyages, & lande-trauells, by Englishmen & others. . . In fower parts, each containing fiue bookes. By Samvel Pvrchas. — London, 1625.

Part (volume) iv, pp. 1560-1562, gives a sketch of the discovery of Cibola and Quivira, abridged from Ramusio. The best guide to the confused bibliography of Purchas is that of Mr Wilberforce Eames, in vol. xvi of Sabin's Dictionary of American Books.