Smith, (Thomas) Buckingham.
Only one volume was ever published. Cited as B. Smith's Florida. These docu ments are printed, for the most part, from copies made by Muñoz or by Navarrete. See note to the English translation of Cabeza de Vaca's Naufragios, and see also Rudo Ensayo and Soto.
Sosa, Gaspar Castaño de. See Castaño de Sosa.
Soto, Hernando de.
Doc. de Indias, xv, 354–363. B. Smith, Florida, 140-146.
Bradford Club series, v.
This is not the place for an extensive list of the sources for the history of de Soto's expedition, and no effort has been made to do more than mention two volumes which have proved useful dnring the study of the Coronado expedition. The hest guide for the student of the travels of de Soto and Narvaez is the critical portions of John Gilmary Shea's chapter in Winsor's Narrative and Critical History of America, vol. II, pp. 283-298.
Squier, Ephraim George.
American Review, viii, Nov., 1848, pp. 503-528. Also issued separately.
Stevens, John.
Captain John Stevens was especially well read in the literature of the Spanish conquest of America, and his dictionary is often of the utmost value in getting at the older meaning of terms which were em ployed by the conquistadores in a sense very different from their present ube. Captain Stevens translated Herrera and Veitla Linage (see note under Moses), taking very great liberties with the texts.
Stevenson, James,
Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1880-81. pp. 307-465; Third Annual Report, 1881-82, pp. 511-594.
Stevenson, Matilda Coxe.
Fifth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1883-84, pp 630-555.
Eleventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1889-90, pp. 9-157.
Suarez de Peralta, Joan.
See entry under Zaragoza and note on page 377 ante. This very valuable historical treatise was written in the last third of the XVI century.
Tello, Fray Antonio.
Icazbalceta's Mexico, ii, 343–438. Chapters viii-xxxix are all that are known to have survived.
Ternaux-Compans, Henri.
Twenty volumes. Volume ix contains the translation of Castañeda and of various other narratives relating to tho Coronado expedition. These narratives are referred to under the authors' names in the present list. It is cited as Ternaux's Cibola.
Thomas, Cyrus.
Magazine of American History x, New York, Dec., 1883, pp. 190–496.
Tomson, Robert.
Hakluyt, iii, 447-454 (ed. 1600). See note on page 375 ante.
Torquemada, Juan de.
This work was reprinted at Madrid in 1723 by Barcia. This, the second, is the better edition. The first two volumes contain an invaluable mass of facta concerning