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Putnam, Frederick Ward.

The pueblo rnins and the interior tribes. Edited by Frederick W. Putnam.

U. S. Geog. Survey West 100th Meridian, vii, Archæology pt. ii, p. 315, Washington, 1879. Appendix (p. 399) contains Albert S. Gatschet's classification into seven linguistic stocks, etc.

Ramusio, Giovanni Battista.

Terzo volvme delle navigationi et viaggi.-In Venetia, MDLVI.

In this, the first edition of the third volume of Ramusio's collection, folios 354-370 contain the narratives which relate to the discoveries in the territory of the present southwestern United States. The volumes of Ramusio have an especial value, because in many cases the editor and translator used the originals of documents which have not since been found by investigators. Ramusio's Italian text furnished one chief reliance of Hakluyt, and of nearly all the collectors and translators who followed him, including, in the present century, Henri Ternaux Compans. The best guide to the various issues and editions of Ramusio is that of Mr Wilberforce Eames, in Sabin's Dictionary of American Books. The most complete single edition of the three volumes in that of 1606.

Recopilacion de leyes de los reynos de las Indias. Mandadas imprimir, y pvblicar por la magestad catolica del rey don Carlos II. Tomo I (-iv). — Madrid, 1681.

New editions were issued in 1756, 1774, and 1791.

Ribas, Andres Perez de.

Historia de los trivmphos de nvestra Santa Fee entre gentes del nueuo Orbe: refierense assimismo las costvmbres, ritos, y snpersticiones que vsanan estas gentes; sns pnestos, y temples:. . . — Madrid, 1645.

The mass of facts collected into this heavy volume throw much light on the civil as well as the ecclesiastical history of New Spain.

Rudo Ensayo, tentativa de nna prevencional descripcion geographica de la provincia de Sonora,. . . compilada así de noticias adqniridas por el colector en els viajes por casi toda ella, como subministradas por los padres missioneros y practicos de la tierra. — San Augustin de la Florida, 1863.

Edited by Buckingham Smith. An English translation by Eusebio Guitéras is in the Records of the American Catholic His torical Society, Philadelphia, June, 1894.

Ruge, Sophus.

Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen. — Berlin, 1881.

In Allgemeine Geschichte, von Wilhelm Oncken. Coronado's Feldzug nach Cibola und Quivira, pp. 416-423. The map on page 417 is one of the best suggestions of Coronado's probable route.

-Die Entdecknngs-Geschichte der Neuen Welt.

In Hamburgische Festschrift zur Krin. nerung an die Entdeckung Amerika's, Hamhnrg, 1892. I Rand. Coronado's Zug nach Oibola und Quivira, pp. 87-89.

Ruge, Sophus — Continued.

— Die Entwickelung der Kartographie von America bis 1570. — Gotha, 1892.

Festschrift zur 400jährigen Feier der Entdeckung Amerikan. Ergänzungsheft no. 106 zu "Petermann's Mítteilungen." An admirable outline of the early history of the geographical unfolding of America.

Salazar, Francisco Cervantes. See Cervantes Salazar.

Santisteban, Fray Gerónimo de.

Carta escrita por Fr. Gerónimo de Santisteban á don Antonio Mendoza, virey de Nneva España, relacionando la pérdida de la armada qne salió en 1542 para las islas del poniente, al cargo de Rny Lopez de Villalobos. — De Cochin, de la India del Rey de Portngal. 22 Henero 1547.

Doc. de Indias, xiv, 151–165. See page 412 ante.

Savage, James Woodruff.

The discovery of Nebraska.

Nebraska Historical Society Transactions, i, 180-202. Read before the Society, April 16, 1880. In this paper Judge Savage accepts the statements that Quivira was situated in latitude 40 degrees north as convincing evidence that Coronado's Spaniards explored the territory of the present State of Nebraska. This paper, together with one by the same author on "A visit to Nebraska in 1662" (by Peñalosa), was reprinted by the Government Printing Office (Washington, 1893) for the use of the United States Senate, for what purpose the resolution ordering the reprint does not state. It forms Senate Mis. Doc. No. 14, 53d Congress, 2d session.

Schmidt, Emil

Vorgeschichte Nordamerikas im Gebiet der Vereinigten Staaten.-Brannschweig, 1894.

Die vorgeschichtlichen Indianer im Südwesten der Vereinigten Staaten, pp. 177-216. Compiled in large part from Nordenskjöld and V. Mindeleff.

Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe.

Historical and statistical information respecting the history, condition, and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States. — Philadelphia, 1851-1855.

For Coronado's expedition see vol. iv, pp. 21-40. Schoolcraft's map of Coronado's route is opposite p. 38.

Shipp, Barnard.

The history of Hernando de Soto and Florida; or, record of the events of fifty-six years, from 1512 to 1568. — Philadelphia, 1881.

For Coronado, see pp. 121–132.

Simpson, James Hervey.

Jonrnal of a military reconnaissance from Santa Fé, New Mexico, to the Navajo country.

Senate Ex. Doc. 66, 31st Congress, 1st sess, Washington, 1850, pp. 56-168.

— Coronado's march in search of the "Seven Cities of Cibola," and discussion of their probable location.

Smithsonian Report for 1869. pp. 309-340. Reprinted by the Smithsonian Iustitution, Washington, 1884. Contains an excellent map of Coronado's route.