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Page:The Coronado expedition, 1540-1542.djvu/424

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[eth. ann. 14
Amulets of the Menonmini 74
Anacapa island, visit of Ferrel to 412
Andrew Tarascan remains in pueblo country 592
Angel de La Guardia, island of 554
Anqiakee Waba, Ojibwa treaty signer 28
Animals of pueblo region 518
—, taken by Coronado for food supply 553
Antiquities of the Menomini 36-39
Antonio de Ciudad-Rodrigo, Franciscan provincial in Mexico 354
Antonio de Santa Maria, Franciscan friar 474
Antonio Victoria, friar, leg of, broken 482
Apache, arrow making by the 275, 279
—, stone arrowpoints among the 283, 284
—, stone implements of the 256
—, gormandism among the 287
Apalache bay explored by Narvaez 346
Aqkiwäsi, genealogy of 58
Âquiu, name for Cicuye 523
Arache, province of great plains 529, 588
Arae, Indian village on great plains 577
Abahei, province of, on great plains 588
Arapaho, ghost dance among the xxxix
—, language, study of the xli
Arche, province near Quivira 503
Archeology, work in xxxiv
Architecture of the Menomini 253
Arellano, Tristan de, lieutenant to Coronado 508
—, appointment of, as captain 477
—, command of, in Coronado's army 391, 572, 577, 581
—, at Corazones 485
—, arrival of, at Cibola and Tiguex 492, 494, 510
Arispa, settlement of 515
—, visit of Coronado to 585
Arivaypa creek in Arizona 387
Arizona, aboriginal remains in xxxvli
—, adobe of 620
Arizpe, see Arisp a}}
Arkansas, novaculite quarries in xxxv
Arkansas river followed by Coronado 397
Arrow making by Arizona tribes 275
Arrowpoints, modern stone 281
—, in graves at Sikyatki 519
—, in Wisconsin mounds 38
—, of Arizona tribes 256
Arrows in Menomini myth 179
—, mystic, in Menomini myth 196
—, of the Menomini 274
—, used in gaming 245
Art products, classification of xixvii
Artillery, substitutes for, devised by Spaniards 500
—, use of, at Chiametla 481
—, use of, by Indians 524
—, use of, in exploring expeditions 546
Ashawakanau, genealogy of 57
Atahualpa killed by Pizarro 354
Athapascan bibliography, work on xlii
Attikumaag, Ojibwa treaty signer 28
Audiencia, definition of 472
—, functions of the 350
Audencia, expeditions into new territory forbidden by 369
Aurora borealis in Menomini myth 210
Avila, Pedro de, ringleader in rebellion at Suya 533
Axa, province in great plains 492
Aztec warriors allies of Spaniards in Mixton war 410
Babbitt, Irving, acknowledgments to 552
Bacallaos, name applied to Newfoundland 513, 526
Bachelors forbidden to hold land in America 374
Bacqueville de la Potherie on jugglery among Hudson Bay Indians 140
Badger in Menomini myth 133
Bag, see Beaded bag, Medicine bag
Balconies, description of, in pueblo houses 523
Ball, mystic, in Menomini myth 224
Ball-Carrier, folktale of the 223
Ball-game during Pontiac conspiracy 130
—, in Menomini myth 166
—, of the Menomini 127-136, 244
—, mythic origin of 131
—, sacred character of 135
Balsas, Rio de las, crossed by Coronado on rafts 586
Bancroft, H, H., on Cabeza de Vaca's route 348
—, mistake in dating Alvarado's report 391
Bandelier, A F., researches in southwestern history 339
—, discussion of indian legends 345
—, on Cabeza de Vaca's route 347
—, on Friar Juan de la Asuncion 353
—, on route of Friar Marcos 358
—, defense of veracity of Friar Marcos lvi, 363
—, on date of Coronado's departure 382
—, on Coronado's route from Culiacan 386
—, identification of Chichilticalli by 387, 516
—, identification of Hawikuh-Granada by 489
—, identification of pueblos by 511, 524
—, Querechos identified with Apaches by 306
—, identification of Rio Vermejo by 482
—, identification of Vacapa by 355
—, use of sources of Coronado expedition by 414
—, considers the Turk indian probably a Pawnee 394
—, on Arizona indian liquor 616
—, on Opata poison 538
—, on indian government and estufas 520
—, on pueblo indian life and government 561
—, on name of Cicuye 523
—, on name Tey a or Texia 507
—, on name Tatahaco 492
—, on Indian giants 485
—, on Acoma 490
—, on Ispa and Guagarispa 685
—, on location of Quivira 397
—, on location of Tiguex and Cicuye 491
—, on Matsaki 517
—, on Petlatlan 515
—, on the Seven Cities 473