[eth. ann. 14
Amulets of the Menonmini | 74 |
Anacapa island, visit of Ferrel to | 412 |
Andrew Tarascan remains in pueblo country | 592 |
Angel de La Guardia, island of | 554 |
Anqiakee Waba, Ojibwa treaty signer | 28 |
Animals of pueblo region | 518 |
—, taken by Coronado for food supply | 553 |
Antiquities of the Menomini | 36-39 |
Antonio de Ciudad-Rodrigo, Franciscan provincial in Mexico | 354 |
Antonio de Santa Maria, Franciscan friar | 474 |
Antonio Victoria, friar, leg of, broken | 482 |
Apache, arrow making by the | 275, 279 |
—, stone arrowpoints among the | 283, 284 |
—, stone implements of the | 256 |
—, gormandism among the | 287 |
Apalache bay explored by Narvaez | 346 |
Aqkiwäsi, genealogy of | 58 |
Âquiu, name for Cicuye | 523 |
Arache, province of great plains | 529, 588 |
Arae, Indian village on great plains | 577 |
Abahei, province of, on great plains | 588 |
Arapaho, ghost dance among the | xxxix |
—, language, study of the | xli |
Arche, province near Quivira | 503 |
Archeology, work in | xxxiv |
Architecture of the Menomini | 253 |
Arellano, Tristan de, lieutenant to Coronado | 508 |
—, appointment of, as captain | 477 |
—, command of, in Coronado's army | 391, 572, 577, 581 |
—, at Corazones | 485 |
—, arrival of, at Cibola and Tiguex | 492, 494, 510 |
Arispa, settlement of | 515 |
—, visit of Coronado to | 585 |
Arivaypa creek in Arizona | 387 |
Arizona, aboriginal remains in | xxxvli |
—, adobe of | 620 |
Arizpe, see Arisp | a}} |
Arkansas, novaculite quarries in | xxxv |
Arkansas river followed by Coronado | 397 |
Arrow making by Arizona tribes | 275 |
Arrowpoints, modern stone | 281 |
—, in graves at Sikyatki | 519 |
—, in Wisconsin mounds | 38 |
—, of Arizona tribes | 256 |
Arrows in Menomini myth | 179 |
—, mystic, in Menomini myth | 196 |
—, of the Menomini | 274 |
—, used in gaming | 245 |
Art products, classification of | xixvii |
Artillery, substitutes for, devised by Spaniards | 500 |
—, use of, at Chiametla | 481 |
—, use of, by Indians | 524 |
—, use of, in exploring expeditions | 546 |
Ashawakanau, genealogy of | 57 |
Atahualpa killed by Pizarro | 354 |
Athapascan bibliography, work on | xlii |
Attikumaag, Ojibwa treaty signer | 28 |
Audiencia, definition of | 472 |
—, functions of the | 350 |
Audencia, expeditions into new territory forbidden by | 369 |
Aurora borealis in Menomini myth | 210 |
Avila, Pedro de, ringleader in rebellion at Suya | 533 |
Axa, province in great plains | 492 |
Aztec warriors allies of Spaniards in Mixton war | 410 |
Babbitt, Irving, acknowledgments to | 552 |
Bacallaos, name applied to Newfoundland | 513, 526 |
Bachelors forbidden to hold land in America | 374 |
Bacqueville de la Potherie on jugglery among Hudson Bay Indians | 140 |
Badger in Menomini myth | 133 |
Bag, see Beaded bag, Medicine bag | |
Balconies, description of, in pueblo houses | 523 |
Ball, mystic, in Menomini myth | 224 |
Ball-Carrier, folktale of the | 223 |
Ball-game during Pontiac conspiracy | 130 |
—, in Menomini myth | 166 |
—, of the Menomini | 127-136, 244 |
—, mythic origin of | 131 |
—, sacred character of | 135 |
Balsas, Rio de las, crossed by Coronado on rafts | 586 |
Bancroft, H, H., on Cabeza de Vaca's route | 348 |
—, mistake in dating Alvarado's report | 391 |
Bandelier, A F., researches in southwestern history | 339 |
—, discussion of indian legends | 345 |
—, on Cabeza de Vaca's route | 347 |
—, on Friar Juan de la Asuncion | 353 |
—, on route of Friar Marcos | 358 |
—, defense of veracity of Friar Marcos | lvi, 363 |
—, on date of Coronado's departure | 382 |
—, on Coronado's route from Culiacan | 386 |
—, identification of Chichilticalli by | 387, 516 |
—, identification of Hawikuh-Granada by | 489 |
—, identification of pueblos by | 511, 524 |
—, Querechos identified with Apaches by | 306 |
—, identification of Rio Vermejo by | 482 |
—, identification of Vacapa by | 355 |
—, use of sources of Coronado expedition by | 414 |
—, considers the Turk indian probably a Pawnee | 394 |
—, on Arizona indian liquor | 616 |
—, on Opata poison | 538 |
—, on indian government and estufas | 520 |
—, on pueblo indian life and government | 561 |
—, on name of Cicuye | 523 |
—, on name Tey a or Texia | 507 |
—, on name Tatahaco | 492 |
—, on Indian giants | 485 |
—, on Acoma | 490 |
—, on Ispa and Guagarispa | 685 |
—, on location of Quivira | 397 |
—, on location of Tiguex and Cicuye | 491 |
—, on Matsaki | 517 |
—, on Petlatlan | 515 |
—, on the Seven Cities | 473 |