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eth. ann. 14]
Bandelier, A. F., on Topira 471
—, on Yuqueyunque 510
Bannock, linguistic affinity of the 525
Bañuelos, B., miner of Zacatecas 538
Barbels, native American fish 517
Bark used in mat making 269
—, see Birchbark.
Barranca, Rio de la, crossed by Coronado 586
Barrionuevo, Francisco de, companion of Coronado 479
—, explorations of 510
—, adventure of, at Tiguex 496
Basket making by the Menomini 259
Batuca, Opata settlement in Sonora 537
Bautista, Juan, on Mexican rain conjurers 150
Beaded bags of the Menomini 74
Beads found in graves at Sikjatki 519
Beadwork the Menomini 264, 265, 269-272
Beans, stores of, kept by Indiana 584
—, wild, found by Coronado 507
Bear and the Eagle folktale 217
—, in Menomini mythology 91, 131, 169, 175, 200, 254
—, totem, Menomini, importance of 45
—, in pueblo region 518, 560
Beaver in Menomini myth 134
Beaver hunter and his sister, folktale of 222
Beds of the Menomini 256
Bjarano, Servan, testimony of 598
Belts of the Menomini 272
Benavides, A. de, on methods of building pueblos 520
—, on use of dogs by plains indians 527
Benitez, death of 500
Bermejo. See Vermejo. 000
Bernalillo, location of Tiguex at 391, 491
Berries, use of, by the Menomini 291
Bibliography, work in xlii
—, of Coronado expedition 599
Biddle, J. W., quoted on Tomau 54-55
Bandelier, A. F., on Topira 471
—, on Yuqueyunque 510
Bannock, linguistic affinity of the 525
Bañuelos, B., miner of Zacatecas 538
Barbels, native American fish 517
Bark used in mat making 269
—, see Birchbark.
Barranca, Rio de la, crossed by Coronado 586
Barrionuevo, Francisco de, companion of Coronado 479
—, explorations of 510
—, adventure of, at Tiguex 496
Basket making by the Menomini 259
Batuca, Opata settlement in Sonora 537
Bautista, Juan, on Mexican rain conjurers 150
Beaded bags of the Menomini 74
Beads found in graves at Sikjatki 519
Beadwork the Menomini 264, 265, 269-272
Beans, stores of, kept by Indiana 584
—, wild, found by Coronado 507
Bear and the Eagle folktale 217
—, in Menomini mythology 91, 131, 169, 175, 200, 254
—, totem, Menomini, importance of 45
—, in pueblo region 518, 560
Beaver in Menomini myth 134
Beaver hunter and his sister, folktale of 222
Beds of the Menomini 256
Bjarano, Servan, testimony of 598
Belts of the Menomini 272
Benavides, A. de, on methods of building pueblos 520
—, on use of dogs by plains indians 527
Benitez, death of 500
Bermejo. see Vermejo. 000
Bernalillo, location of Tiguex at 391, 491
Berries, use of, by the Menomini 291
Bibliography, work in xlii
—, of Coronado expedition 599
Biddle, J. W., quoted on Tomau 54-55
—, on death of Tomau 56
Biqotes, captain of Cicuye indians 490
see Whiskers. 000
Billegas, Francisco de, agent for De Soto in Mexico 366
—, correspondence of, with De Soto 370
Biloxi, study of language of lx
Birchbark, songa recorded on 107
—, used for canoes 293
—, used for utensils 288
—, used in house building 253
—, used in juggler's lodge 146
—, used in medicine lodge 72
Birds, Mä′nä'bǔsh and the 203
—, of pueblo region 521
Bison first seen by Coronado's force 391
—, description of 527, 541, 543
—, described by Cicuye Indians 490
—, described by Colorado river Indians 405
—, described by companion of Coronado 570
—, described by Coronado 580
—, described by Jaramillo 587
—, Alvarado's journey among 576
—, Coronado's army supplied with meat of 577, 581
—, killed by plains indians 504
Bison, pile of bones of 542
—, skins of, found by Coronado at Cibola 560
—, stampede of 505
Bitumen used by Indians in making rafts 407
Blackbird, A. J., on Menomini totems 44
—, on significance of Mä′näbǔsh 162
Blackfeet, poisoned arrows used by the 285
Blankets of native American cotton 517
Blase, Father, Menomini grammar and dictionary by 295
Blind men and the raccoon, folktale of 211
Blizzard experienced by Coronado 506
Blowgun formerly used by Indians 286
Bluejay in Menomini myth 279
Boardman, E., land-treaty witness 28
Boas, Franz, acknowledgments to xliii
Bocanegra, Hernand Perez de. See Perez.
Bonesteel, A. D., on death of Oshkosh 47
Boston Transcript, translation of Alvarado's report in 594
Bourke, J. G., on Apache medicine-men 360
—, on classification of arrows 278
Bowlder, mystic, near Keshena, Wis. 38
Bowl game of the Menomini 241
Bows discussed 280
—, of the Menomini 274
Bowstrings of the Menomini 275, 280
Bowyer, Colonel, on Sauk and Fox expulsion 19
Boyomo, river and settlement of 515
Braba, pueblo of 525
—, description of, by Alvarado 595
—, village of. visited by Spaniards 511
Bracelets of Turk Indian 493
Braddock, General, defeat of 16
Bread of pueblo Indians 522
—, use of, among Colorado river Indians 485
Brevoort. H. B., land-treaty witness 28
Bridge built by Spaniards across Canadian river 397, 504
—, Indian, across Rio Grande 511
—, mystic, in Menomini myth 225
Brigantines, French, on the coast of New Spain 547
Bristles used in drilling 267
Brotherton land purchase 22
Brunson, Alfred, quoted on the Menomini 36
Brush, E. A., land-treaty witness 29
Buenaguia, Alarcon's name for Colorado river 406, 574
Buffalo, see Bison.
Buffalo plains visited by Spaniards lvii
Buffalo skins given to Coronado 505
—, obtained through trade by Sonora Indians 357
Bullet game of the Menomini 242
Búrgos. Juan de, estates of, forfeited for bachelorhood 379
Burial among pueblo Indians 518
—, by Tiguex indians 595
—, see Mortuary customs.
Buriel, a variety of cloth 543
Burning of Indian captives condemned by Spaniards 393