eth. ann. 14]
Cervantes, a Spanish soldier | 503 |
Cevola, see Cibola | |
Chakekenapok in Potawatomi myth | 207 |
Chamita, see Chiametla. | |
Chamita, on site of Yuqueyunque | 510, 525 |
Channing, Edward, acknowledgments to | 339 |
Chants, Menomini ceremonial | 78, 86-87, 105 |
Charcoal used in medicine | 136 |
Charlevoix on Fox Indian early habitat | 19 |
—, on Huron jugglers | 139 |
—, on jugglery | 152, 153 |
—, on the Menomini | 34, 36 |
Charms, hunting, among Menomini | 67 |
—, love, of the Menomini | 154, 156 |
Chemehuevi, arrow making by the | 275 |
—, bows of the | 281 |
—, stone arrowpoints of the | 283 |
—, stone chipping by the | 283 |
—, stone implements of the | 256 |
Cherino, Pero Almidez, see Almidez | |
Cherokee, proportion of warriors to population | 33 |
Cheyenne, ghost dance among | xixix |
—, study of language of | xii |
Chia, indian village mentioned by Jaramillo | 587 |
—, mention of road to | 594 |
—, cannon deposited in villages of | 503 |
—, see Sia | |
Chiametla, appointment of Trejo in | 500 |
—, death of Samaniego at | 480, 547 |
—, desertion of | 383 |
Chicago, origin of name | 238 |
Chichilticalli, description of | 510 |
—, described by Jaramillo | 584 |
—, described by Mota Padilla | 487 |
—, limit of Diaz' exploration | 303 |
—, first sight of, by Coronado | 482 |
—, visited by Coronado | 387 |
—, Coronado's description of | 554 |
—, visit of Diaz to | 480 |
—, visit of Friar Marcos to | 475 |
Chichimecas, Mexican word for braves | 524 |
—, Mexican Indians | 529 |
Chickasaw, ball-game of the | 129 |
Chickeny, member of Menomini court | 35 |
Chiefs, Menomini descent of | 39, 43 |
—, Menomini, genealogy of | 44, 60 |
—, Menomini, succession of | 44 |
Chimneys not built by Menomini | 253 |
China, coast of, connected with America | 513, 526 |
Chinookan bibliography, work on | xliii |
Chipiapoos in Potawatomi myth | 207 |
Chipmunk in Menomini myth | 229 |
Chippeway, see Ojibwa | |
Chipping, see Arrow making | |
Choctaw, ball game of the | 129 |
—, proportion of warriors to population | 33 |
Chouteau, A, Menomini treaty commissioner | 20, 21 |
Christianization of Indians, jugglery opposed to | 138, 139 |
Chumash, shell drilling by the | 266 |
Cibola described by indians of Sonora | 356 |
—, extent of range of | 358 |
Cibola, stories of, inspired by Friar Marcos | 364 |
—, captured by Coronado | lvii, 388, 556, 565, 573 |
—, Castañeda's description of | 482 |
—, Diaz' description of houses at | 548 |
—, Coronado's description of | 558 |
—, description of | 517, 565, 569, 573 |
—, description of houses at | 520 |
—, cartographic history of | 403 |
—, see Zuñi | |
Cicuic, see Cicuye, Pecos | |
Cicuique, see Cicuye | |
Cicuye, synonymous with Pecos | 391 |
—, description of | 523, 525 |
—, described by companions of Coronado | 570, 575 |
—, described by Jaramillo | 587 |
—, Indians from, visit Coronado | 490 |
—, Alvarado's visit to | 491 |
—, visit of Coronado to | 502 |
—, treachery of indians at | 509 |
—, siege of, by Spaniards | 511 |
—, cartographic history of | 403 |
—, river of, crossed by Spaniards | 504, 510 |
Cinaloa river crossed by Coronado | 584 |
—, north of New Galicia | 386, 515 |
Clan, see Totem | |
Clark, William, Menomini treaty commissioner | 20, 21 |
Classification of indian tribes | xxvii |
Claude, see Konot | |
Claw-and-mirror trick | 99, 100 |
Climate of Cibola, Coronado's account of | 559 |
Clothing of the Hopi | 517 |
—, of indians at Quivira | 583 |
—, of indians at Sonora | 515 |
—, of indians taken by Spaniards | 495 |
—, of plains indians | 507 |
—, of pueblo indians | 404, 517, 549, 562, 563, 569, 573, 586, 595 |
Clubs, indian | 498 |
Coahuila, a Mexican state | 545 |
Cochin, letter from, to Mendoza | 413 |
Cochiti, pueblo of | 525 |
Coco, Alvarado's name for Acoma | 594 |
Colima, town in western New Spain | 385 |
—, illness of Mendoza at | 551 |
—, ravines of | 505 |
Colonists of New Spain, characteristics of | 373 |
Colonization of New Spain | 374 |
Color significance in Menomini ceremonial | 76 |
Colorado, adobe of | 520 |
Colorado river, discovery of | 403, 574 |
—, visit of Diaz to | 406, 485 |
—, visit of Cardenas to | 390, 489 |
Columbia river, drift of, seen by Ferrel | 412 |
Columbian exposition, Bureau collection at | xxxvi, xxxix, xlvi |
Comanche, identification of, with Teya | 524 |
—, ghost dance among the | xxxix |
—, linguistic affinity of the | 525 |
Combs, use of, in weaving | 563 |
Compostella, establishment of | 473 |
—, rendezvous of Coronado's army at | 362 |
—, review of Coronado's force in | 596 |
—, departure of Coronado from | 377, 478 |