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eth. ann. 14]
Cervantes, a Spanish soldier 503
Cevola, see Cibola
Chakekenapok in Potawatomi myth 207
Chamita, see Chiametla.
Chamita, on site of Yuqueyunque 510, 525
Channing, Edward, acknowledgments to 339
Chants, Menomini ceremonial 78, 86-87, 105
Charcoal used in medicine 136
Charlevoix on Fox Indian early habitat 19
—, on Huron jugglers 139
—, on jugglery 152, 153
—, on the Menomini 34, 36
Charms, hunting, among Menomini 67
—, love, of the Menomini 154, 156
Chemehuevi, arrow making by the 275
—, bows of the 281
—, stone arrowpoints of the 283
—, stone chipping by the 283
—, stone implements of the 256
Cherino, Pero Almidez, see Almidez
Cherokee, proportion of warriors to population 33
Cheyenne, ghost dance among xixix
—, study of language of xii
Chia, indian village mentioned by Jaramillo 587
—, mention of road to 594
—, cannon deposited in villages of 503
—, see Sia
Chiametla, appointment of Trejo in 500
—, death of Samaniego at 480, 547
—, desertion of 383
Chicago, origin of name 238
Chichilticalli, description of 510
—, described by Jaramillo 584
—, described by Mota Padilla 487
—, limit of Diaz' exploration 303
—, first sight of, by Coronado 482
—, visited by Coronado 387
—, Coronado's description of 554
—, visit of Diaz to 480
—, visit of Friar Marcos to 475
Chichimecas, Mexican word for braves 524
—, Mexican Indians 529
Chickasaw, ball-game of the 129
Chickeny, member of Menomini court 35
Chiefs, Menomini descent of 39, 43
—, Menomini, genealogy of 44, 60
—, Menomini, succession of 44
Chimneys not built by Menomini 253
China, coast of, connected with America 513, 526
Chinookan bibliography, work on xliii
Chipiapoos in Potawatomi myth 207
Chipmunk in Menomini myth 229
Chippeway, see Ojibwa
Chipping, see Arrow making
Choctaw, ball game of the 129
—, proportion of warriors to population 33
Chouteau, A, Menomini treaty commissioner 20, 21
Christianization of Indians, jugglery opposed to 138, 139
Chumash, shell drilling by the 266
Cibola described by indians of Sonora 356
—, extent of range of 358
Cibola, stories of, inspired by Friar Marcos 364
—, captured by Coronado lvii, 388, 556, 565, 573
—, Castañeda's description of 482
—, Diaz' description of houses at 548
—, Coronado's description of 558
—, description of 517, 565, 569, 573
—, description of houses at 520
—, cartographic history of 403
—, see Zuñi
Cicuic, see Cicuye, Pecos
Cicuique, see Cicuye
Cicuye, synonymous with Pecos 391
—, description of 523, 525
—, described by companions of Coronado 570, 575
—, described by Jaramillo 587
—, Indians from, visit Coronado 490
—, Alvarado's visit to 491
—, visit of Coronado to 502
—, treachery of indians at 509
—, siege of, by Spaniards 511
—, cartographic history of 403
—, river of, crossed by Spaniards 504, 510
Cinaloa river crossed by Coronado 584
—, north of New Galicia 386, 515
Clan, see Totem
Clark, William, Menomini treaty commissioner 20, 21
Classification of indian tribes xxvii
Claude, see Konot
Claw-and-mirror trick 99, 100
Climate of Cibola, Coronado's account of 559
Clothing of the Hopi 517
—, of indians at Quivira 583
—, of indians at Sonora 515
—, of indians taken by Spaniards 495
—, of plains indians 507
—, of pueblo indians 404, 517, 549, 562, 563, 569, 573, 586, 595
Clubs, indian 498
Coahuila, a Mexican state 545
Cochin, letter from, to Mendoza 413
Cochiti, pueblo of 525
Coco, Alvarado's name for Acoma 594
Colima, town in western New Spain 385
—, illness of Mendoza at 551
—, ravines of 505
Colonists of New Spain, characteristics of 373
Colonization of New Spain 374
Color significance in Menomini ceremonial 76
Colorado, adobe of 520
Colorado river, discovery of 403, 574
—, visit of Diaz to 406, 485
—, visit of Cardenas to 390, 489
Columbia river, drift of, seen by Ferrel 412
Columbian exposition, Bureau collection at xxxvi, xxxix, xlvi
Comanche, identification of, with Teya 524
—, ghost dance among the xxxix
—, linguistic affinity of the 525
Combs, use of, in weaving 563
Compostella, establishment of 473
—, rendezvous of Coronado's army at 362
—, review of Coronado's force in 596
—, departure of Coronado from 377, 478