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Page:The Coronado expedition, 1540-1542.djvu/426

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eth. ann. 14
Burning of indians at stake by Spaniards 497
Butte des Monts, treaty of 27, 46
Buzzard in Menomini mythology 168, 202
Cabeza de Vaca Alvar Nuñez, arrival of, in New Spain 345, 474
—, royal treasurer on Narvaez' expedition 347
—, journey of lvi
—, narrative of Narvaez' expedition by 349
—, narrative of, translated by Ternaux 349
—, tells Alvarado of his discoveries 352
—, indian traditions regarding 589
—, efforts to verify reports of 354
—, description of bison by 543, 548
—, uses gourds of Indian medicine-men 360
—, traces of, found by Coronado 505, 506
—, in Corazones valley 484, 585
Cabot, Sebastian, map of cited 403
Cabrillo, J R, voyage of, along California coast 411
Cactus spines used for poisoning arrows 285
California, study of Indians of xxxviii
—, coast of, explored by Ferrel 412
—, exploration of gulf of 389, 514
—, peninsula of, mistaken for an island 404, 486
—, natives of peninsula of 514
Calkin Hiram, on Ojibwa Jugglery 146
Campbell, Donald, at Detroit in 1761 17
Campo, Andres de, Portuguese companion of Padilla 400
—, remains in Quivira 629, 535
—, return of, to New Spain 401, 644
Canadian river, journey of Alvarado along 391, 576
—, crossed by Coronado 397, 604
Cannibalism in Menomini myth 168, 194, 229, 231
Canoes of the Menomini 292
—, mythic origin of 126
—, burials in 239
Canteloupes, introduction of, into pueblo country 550
—, indian use as food 216
Canyon of the Colorado visited by Spaniards 390, 489
Capetlan, see Capothan.
Capothan, province in New Spain 529
Capotlan or Capotean, indians from, accompany Padilla 592
Captives held as slaves 35
Carbajal, death of Spaniard named 500
Cardenas, Diego Lopez de, name of, given by Mota Padilla 477
Cardenas, Garcia Lopez, succeeds Samaniego as field master 388
—, appointment of as captain 477
—, confusion of, with Urrea 489
—, visits Colorado river lvii, 390, 489, 574
—, indian village attacked by 496
—, Coronado protected by, at Cibola 483, 557, 573
—, treachery of Indians toward 498
—, indians interviewed by 497
—, interview of, with Indians 555, 556
—, at Tiguex 492
—, preparations for winter quarters by 576
—, accident to 505, 577
—, death of brother of 530
Cardenas, Garcia Lopez, recalled to Spain 399, 579, 583
Cardinal points in Potawatomi myth 209
Cardona, Antonio Serrano de See Serrano.
Caron Josette Menomini treaty signer 28
—, see Karon.
Carron, genealogy of 50, 53
—, medal presented to 18
Carron family, importance of 45
Cartographic results of Coronado expedition 403
Carver, Jonathan, medicine ceremony described by 111-113
—, on Cree jugglery 141-143
—, on Green Bay indian habitat 19
—, on progress of Green Bay 18
Casa de Contratacion, description of 351
Casa Grandr, attempts to identify with Chichilticali 387
Cass, Lewis, treaty commissioner 27, 28
—, experience of, at Ottawa ceremony 105
Cass manuscripts quoted on Canadian indian magic 144
—, quoted on Rabbit-rock myth 117
Castañeda, Alonso de, death of 500
Castañeda, Pedro de, narrative of Coronado expedition by lv, 413, 417
—, manuscript of, in Lenox library 339, 413
—, story of an indian trader 345
—, explanation of troubles between Friar Marcos and Estevan 355
—, story of Estevan's death 300
—, says Friar Marcos' promotion was arranged by Mendoza 364
—, accusations against Friar Marcos 366
—, mistake regarding departure of Alarcon 385
—, stories of revolt of Rio Grande Indians 393
—, credibility of his version of the Turk's stories of Quivira 394
—, family of 470
—, Spanish family name 511
—, difficulties in manuscript of 513, 514
—, peculiarities of style of 525, 626
Castillo, Alonso del, same as Maldonado 348
Catawba, proportion of warriors to population 33
—, researches among the Catfish, folktale of the 214
Catlinite used for pipes by Menomini 248
Cattle, early introduction of lvi
—, imported into New Spain 375
Cavallos, Bahia de los, site of Narvaez' camp 347
Cedros, Arroyo de los, crossed by Coronado 584
Centizpac, a river in New Galicia 382
Ceremonial baton described and figured 72-73
—, Meal, use of on Moki trails 488
Ceremonies of pueblo Indians 544, 550, 573
—, pueblo, studied by Fewkes 359
—, of Tiguex indians 595
Cereus thurberii, she Pitahaya
Certificate of Tshekatshakemau 45