eth. ann. 14
Burning of indians at stake by Spaniards | 497 |
Butte des Monts, treaty of | 27, 46 |
Buzzard in Menomini mythology | 168, 202 |
Cabeza de Vaca Alvar Nuñez, arrival of, in New Spain | 345, 474 |
—, royal treasurer on Narvaez' expedition | 347 |
—, journey of | lvi |
—, narrative of Narvaez' expedition by | 349 |
—, narrative of, translated by Ternaux | 349 |
—, tells Alvarado of his discoveries | 352 |
—, indian traditions regarding | 589 |
—, efforts to verify reports of | 354 |
—, description of bison by | 543, 548 |
—, uses gourds of Indian medicine-men | 360 |
—, traces of, found by Coronado | 505, 506 |
—, in Corazones valley | 484, 585 |
Cabot, Sebastian, map of cited | 403 |
Cabrillo, J R, voyage of, along California coast | 411 |
Cactus spines used for poisoning arrows | 285 |
California, study of Indians of | xxxviii |
—, coast of, explored by Ferrel | 412 |
—, exploration of gulf of | 389, 514 |
—, peninsula of, mistaken for an island | 404, 486 |
—, natives of peninsula of | 514 |
Calkin Hiram, on Ojibwa Jugglery | 146 |
Campbell, Donald, at Detroit in 1761 | 17 |
Campo, Andres de, Portuguese companion of Padilla | 400 |
—, remains in Quivira | 629, 535 |
—, return of, to New Spain | 401, 644 |
Canadian river, journey of Alvarado along | 391, 576 |
—, crossed by Coronado 397, | 604 |
Cannibalism in Menomini myth | 168, 194, 229, 231 |
Canoes of the Menomini | 292 |
—, mythic origin of | 126 |
—, burials in | 239 |
Canteloupes, introduction of, into pueblo country | 550 |
—, indian use as food | 216 |
Canyon of the Colorado visited by Spaniards | 390, 489 |
Capetlan, see Capothan. | |
Capothan, province in New Spain | 529 |
Capotlan or Capotean, indians from, accompany Padilla | 592 |
Captives held as slaves | 35 |
Carbajal, death of Spaniard named | 500 |
Cardenas, Diego Lopez de, name of, given by Mota Padilla | 477 |
Cardenas, Garcia Lopez, succeeds Samaniego as field master | 388 |
—, appointment of as captain | 477 |
—, confusion of, with Urrea | 489 |
—, visits Colorado river | lvii, 390, 489, 574 |
—, indian village attacked by | 496 |
—, Coronado protected by, at Cibola | 483, 557, 573 |
—, treachery of Indians toward | 498 |
—, indians interviewed by | 497 |
—, interview of, with Indians | 555, 556 |
—, at Tiguex | 492 |
—, preparations for winter quarters by | 576 |
—, accident to | 505, 577 |
—, death of brother of | 530 |
Cardenas, Garcia Lopez, recalled to Spain | 399, 579, 583 |
Cardinal points in Potawatomi myth | 209 |
Cardona, Antonio Serrano de See Serrano. | |
Caron Josette Menomini treaty signer | 28 |
—, see Karon. | |
Carron, genealogy of | 50, 53 |
—, medal presented to | 18 |
Carron family, importance of | 45 |
Cartographic results of Coronado expedition | 403 |
Carver, Jonathan, medicine ceremony described by | 111-113 |
—, on Cree jugglery | 141-143 |
—, on Green Bay indian habitat | 19 |
—, on progress of Green Bay | 18 |
Casa de Contratacion, description of | 351 |
Casa Grandr, attempts to identify with Chichilticali | 387 |
Cass, Lewis, treaty commissioner | 27, 28 |
—, experience of, at Ottawa ceremony | 105 |
Cass manuscripts quoted on Canadian indian magic | 144 |
—, quoted on Rabbit-rock myth | 117 |
Castañeda, Alonso de, death of | 500 |
Castañeda, Pedro de, narrative of Coronado expedition by | lv, 413, 417 |
—, manuscript of, in Lenox library 339, | 413 |
—, story of an indian trader | 345 |
—, explanation of troubles between Friar Marcos and Estevan | 355 |
—, story of Estevan's death | 300 |
—, says Friar Marcos' promotion was arranged by Mendoza | 364 |
—, accusations against Friar Marcos | 366 |
—, mistake regarding departure of Alarcon | 385 |
—, stories of revolt of Rio Grande Indians | 393 |
—, credibility of his version of the Turk's stories of Quivira | 394 |
—, family of | 470 |
—, Spanish family name | 511 |
—, difficulties in manuscript of | 513, 514 |
—, peculiarities of style of | 525, 626 |
Castillo, Alonso del, same as Maldonado | 348 |
Catawba, proportion of warriors to population | 33 |
—, researches among the Catfish, folktale of the | 214 |
Catlinite used for pipes by Menomini | 248 |
Cattle, early introduction of | lvi |
—, imported into New Spain | 375 |
Cavallos, Bahia de los, site of Narvaez' camp | 347 |
Cedros, Arroyo de los, crossed by Coronado | 584 |
Centizpac, a river in New Galicia | 382 |
Ceremonial baton described and figured | 72-73 |
—, Meal, use of on Moki trails | 488 |
Ceremonies of pueblo Indians | 544, 550, 573 |
—, pueblo, studied by Fewkes | 359 |
—, of Tiguex indians | 595 |
Cereus thurberii, she Pitahaya | |
Certificate of Tshekatshakemau | 45 |