Page:The Cross Pull.pdf/203

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bobcat prowled along it far from any sheltering tree. This hate for the cat tribes was one of the things Flash seemed to know instinctively. There is a long standing grudge between the dog and cat kind. The enmity between domestic dogs and cats has been handed down from the age old feud between their wild progenitors. The first cat track which Flash had ever struck he had followed, knowing that he would find a natural enemy at the end of the trail. Nevertheless, while this knowledge had been inherited it was the knowledge of experience which had finally taught him how to handle cats.

The wind was right and not until he was almost upon it did the big cat know its danger. It was too late to flee and the old tom whirled to face his enemy with tooth and claw, his back arched high. One paw darted forth in a lightning jab for the eyes of the rushing wolf. Flash braced all four feet, and halted his drive a yard from his prey. He had killed many cats, and previous battles had taught him the slashing qualities of those hooked feet.

He knew that the instant he launched himself upon the cat it would fall upon its back and rake his flanks and belly with savage strength. In-