Page:The Cross Pull.pdf/204

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stead he commenced to circle slowly, the cat always facing him. The bobcat does not squall like his domestic cousin, and the snarls which issued from the gaping red mouth of the old tom were short and explosive.

Flash increased his speed, whirling round and round his prey with feint attacks. These amazing tactics were too rapid and bewildering for the lesser brain of the cat and he turned to flee. Even as he turned Flash pounced upon him and clamped his wicked teeth into his neck close behind the ears. As the big cat threw himself on one side to use his claws Flash hopped clear across him the opposite way. Twice more the cat changed sides and twice more Flash hopped, still retaining his crushing grip. His powerful jaws had closed until the long canine teeth pierced through the neck and met. Then Flash gave one savage shake and wrench, dropped his prey and leaped clear.

The bared claws worked convulsively, slashing circles in the air; this subsided to a mere twitching of the muscles, and the big round eyes stared in death. Flash tore the skin from the hips and feasted.

By some strange freak the meat of the bobcat or bay lynx is tender, fine fibered and clear, almost