With large leapes to the lake; his Target throwneInto the waters. [1]Hydrocharis slewKing [2]Pternophagus, at whose throte he threwA huge stone; strooke it high; and beate his braineOut at his nostrills: earth blusht, with the staineHis blood made on her bosom. For next Prise;Lichopinax, to death did sacrifice[3]Borborocœtes faultlesse faculties;His lance enforc't it; darknes clos'd his eyes.On which when [4]Brassophagus, cast his looke;[5]Cnisodioctes, by the heeles he tooke;Dragg'd him to fenn, from off his natiue ground;Then seas'd his throte, and souc't him, till he droun'd.But now; Psycharpax wreakes his fellows deaths;And in the bosome of [6]Pelusius sheathes,(In center of his Lyuer) his bright lance:He fel before the Author of the chance;His soule to hell fled. Which [7]PelobatesTaking sad note of; wreakefully did seaseHis hands gripe full of mudd; and all besmear'd;His forhead with it so; that scarce appeardThe light to him. Which certainely incenstHis fierie splene: who, with his wreake dispenstNo point of tyme; but rer'd with his strong handA stone so massie, it opprest the land;And hurld it at him; when, below the kneeIt strooke his right legge so impetuouslie;It peece-meale brake it; be the dust did sease,