Vpwards euerted. But [1]CraugasidesReuendg'd his death; and at his enimieDischardg'd a dart; that did his point implieIn his mid-bellie. All the sharp-pil'de speareGot after in; and did before it beareHis vniuersall entrailes to the earth,Soone as his swolne hand, gaue his iaueline birth.[2]Sitophagus, beholding the sad sight,Set on the shore; went halting from the fight,Vext with his wounds extremelie. And to makeWaie from extreme fate, lept into the lake.Troxartes strooke, in th'insteps vpper part,Physignathus; who, (priuie to the smartHis wound imparted) with his vtmost hastLept to the lake, and fled. Troxartes castHis eye vpon the foe that fell before;And, (see'ng him halfe-liu'de) long'd againe to goreHis gutlesse bosome; and (to kill him quite)Ranne fiercely at him. Which [3]Prassæus sightTooke instant note of; and the first in fightThrust desp'rate way through; casting, his keene lanceOff at Troxartes; whose shield turn'd th'aduanceThe sharpe head made: & checkt the mortall chance.Amongst the Mise fought, an EgregiouseYoung spring all; and a close-encountring Mouse:Pure [4]Artepibulus his deare descent:A Prince that Mars himselfe shewd, where he went(Call'd [5]Meridarpax.) Of so huge a might;