Payments by Members.
6. Every Member shall pay an Annual Subscription of One Guinea, due in advance on the 1st of January in each year. If any Member shall not have paid his Subscription before the 1st of July, a written application shall be addressed to him by the Honorary Secretaries, and if the Subscription be not paid before the 1st of January of the second year, a second application shall be made, and the Member in arrear shall cease to be entitled to any of the privileges of the Association until the Subscription be paid.
Any Member may at any time compound for his future Annual Subscriptions by paying at once the sum of Ten Guineas.
Privileges of Members and Honorary Members.
7. Members and Honorary Members shall be entitled to attend the meetings of the Association, to receive gratis copies of the current numbers of the Journal, and to enjoy such other privileges as it may from time to time be determined to grant.
Expulsion of Members.
8. If any Member or Honorary Member so demean himself as that it would be for the dishonour of the Association that he longer continue to be a Member or Honorary Member thereof, the Council shall take the matter into consideration at a Meeting convened for the purpose. Due notice of such Meeting shall be given to every Member of the Council, and to the Member or Honorary Member whose conduct is to be taken into consideration. If at least two-thirds of the Members of the Council present at the Meeting so decide by ballot, such Member or Honorary Member shall thereupon cease to be of the Association.
9. There shall be three Trustees, to be elected by the Association at a General Meeting, in whom the property of the Association shall be vested. The Trustees are eligible to any other offices in the Association.
Officers of the Association.
10. The officers of the Association shall be a President, three or more Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, and three Honorary Secretaries.
Council of the Association.
11. The Council of the Association shall constist of its Officers and thirty Ordinary Members. Of the thirty Ordinary Members, ten shall retire annually in rotation, but be eligible for re-election. The Council shall appoint annually a Chairman from among its Members to preside at its own meetings; and shall make such other regulations as may be necessary for the transaction of its own business.