Nomination and Election of Officers and New Members of the Council of the Association.
12. Prior to the Annual General Meeting, the Council shall nominate the members whom they recommend for election as Officers of the Association or as Ordinary Members of the Council in the room of those whose places have become vacant. Any two members of the Association may also nominate any member for election either as an Officer of the Asociation, or as an Ordinary Member of the Council, provided that the nomination be made in writing and be delivered to one of the Honorary Secretaries not less than one month prior to the Annual General Meeting. A list of all nominations made as aforesaid shall be sent by post to every Member of the Association, at his last recorded address, not less than foreseen days prior to the Annual General Mccting. Any Member voting shall indicate for whom he votes by placing his initials against the name of any person whose name is included in the list, and may either return the list to one of the Honorary Secretaries, or deliver it to the scrutineers at the Annual General Meeting. The elections shall be made by a majority of the votes thus cast.
Extraordinary Vacancies.
13. On the occurrence of any extraordinary vacancy in the Office of President, or of any other Officer of the Association, the Council shall, at its next Meeting, choose by ballot, and by a majority of those present, a new President, or other Officer of the Association, to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting.
14. The Council shall have power to appoint Committees of Members and also an Executive Committee of their own body. Committees so appointed shall report their proceedings to the Council. No report shall be communicated to the Association except by the Council.
15. At each Annual General Meeting two Members, not being Members of the Council, shall be appointed Auditors, who, with one of the Council, chosen by the Council, shall audit the Treasurer's Accounts for the ensuing year, and report thereon to the Association, which report shall be presented at the next ensuing Annual General Meeting.
General Meeting.
16. The Annual General Meeting shall be held on such day in the month of June of each year as shall be appointed by the ouncil.
Business of Annual General Meeting.
17. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be to elect the Officers of the Association, to discuss questions as to its rules and management, and to receive the Auditors' Report. No Member shall propose any alteration of the rules of the Association at the Annual General