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Meeting, unless at least three weeks' previous notice of such alteration shall have been given in writing to the Council, but amendments to any motion may be brought forward without notice, if they relate to the same subject as the motion. All questions of which notice shall have been received by the Council shall be notified by the Council to every Member of the Association at his last recorded address at least ten days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

Special General Meetings.

18. The Council may, at any time, call a Special General Meeting of the Association. Any thirty Members may require a Special General Meeting to be called, by notice in writing signed by them, delivered to one of the Honorary Secretaries, specifying the question or questions to be moved. The Council shall, within one month of such notice, appoint a day for such Special General Meeting, and shall give at least one week's notice of every Special General Meeting, and of the question or questions to be moved, to every Member of the Association at his last recorded address. No business shall be brought forward at any Special General Meeting other than that specified in the notice convening the same.

Duties of the President and Vice-Presidents.

19. The President shall preside at all General Meetings of the Association which he shall attend, and in case of equality of votes shall have a second or casting vote.

20. A Vice-President, in the chair, shall act with the power of the President in presiding and voting at any General Meeting of the Association. In the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents, any Member of the Council may be called upon by the Members then present to preside at a General Meeting, with the same power as a Vice-President.

Powers of the Council.

21. The Council shall have control over the funds and other property of the Association, and over any publications which may from time to time be issued by or on behalf of the Association.

22. The Council shall be empowered at any time to frame By-Laws not inconsistent with these Rules, which By-Laws shall be and remain in force until the next Annual General Meeting, at which they shall be either affirmed as rules, amended, or annulled; but no Council shall have power to renew By-Laws which have once been disapproved at an Annual General Meeting.

Payments to Members.

23. No Dividend, Gift, Division, or Bonus in money shall be made by the Association, unto or between any of the Members. Provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment, in good faith, of remuneration to any Member of the Association, or to any other person, in return for any services actually rendered to the Association.