Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 2).pdf/16

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xix. The Lord Admiral's (Lord Howard's, Earl of
Nottingham's), Prince Henry's, and Elector
Palatine's Men 134

xx. The Lord Chamberlain's (Lord Hunsdon's)
and King's Men 192

xxi. The Earl of Worcester's and Queen Anne's
Men 220

xxii. The Duke of Lennox's Men 241

xxiii. The Duke of York's (Prince Charles's) Men 241

xxiv. The Lady Elizabeth's Men 246

XIV. International Companies 261

i. Italian Players in England 261

ii. English Players in Scotland 265

iii. English Players on the Continent 270

XV. Actors 295


XVI. Introduction. The Public Theatres 353

A. Introduction 355

B. The Public Theatres—

i. The Red Lion Inn 379

ii. The Bull Inn 380

iii. The Bell Inn 381

iv. The Bel Savage Inn 382

v. The Cross Keys Inn 383

vi. The Theatre 383

vii. The Curtain 400

viii. Newington Butts 404

ix. The Rose 405

x. The Swan 411

xi. The Globe 414

xii. The Fortune 435

xiii. The Boar's Head 443

xiv. The Red Bull 445

xv. The Hope 448

xvi. Porter's Hall 472

XVII. The Private Theatres 475

i. The Blackfriars 475

ii. The Whitefriars 515

XVIII. The Structure and Conduct of Theatres 518