Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 2).pdf/17

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Domus Capitularis Sti Pauli a Meridie Prospectus. By Wenceslaus Hollar. From Sir William Dugdale, History of St. Paul's Cathedral (1658) Frontispiece
Diagrams of the Blackfriars Theatres p. 504
Interior of the Swan Theatre. From the drawing after Johannes de Witt in Arend van Buchell's commonplace-book p. 521


I have found it convenient, especially in Appendix A, to use the symbol < following a date, to indicate an uncertain date not earlier than that named, and the symbol > followed by a date, to indicate an uncertain date not later than that named. Thus 1903 <> 23 would indicate the composition date of any part of this book. I have sometimes placed the date of a play in italics, where it was desirable to indicate the date of production rather than publication.