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Feb. 5 (S.S.). Rich's.

March 19. Visit to Ham House (Madame de Châtillon).[1]

June 18 < > 20. Oatlands.[2]

July 16-Sept. 29. Progress in Middlesex, Bucks., Beds., Oxon., and Berks.[3] Osterley (Sir Thomas Gresham, July 16-18), Denham (Sir George Peckham, July 18-19), Chenies (Earl of Bedford, July 19-Aug. 13), Pendley (Edmund Verney, Aug. 15-17), Toddington (Sir Henry Cheyne, Aug. 19, 20), Dame Ellensbury in Houghton Conquest, Segenhoe in Ridgmont (Peter Grey), Wing (Sir William Dormer, c. Aug. 24), Eythorpe (Sir W. Dormer), Rycote (Sir Henry Norris, Aug. 30, Sept. 2, 6, 7), Ewelme, Reading (Sept. 17, 24-26), Philberds in Bray (Sir Thomas Neville). Sept. 29. Windsor.[4] Nov. 6 or 7. Hampton Court.[5] Dec. 28. Paul's.


Jan. 6. Challenge for jousting.

Jan. 14 < > 19. Somerset House.[6]

Jan. 23. Visit to Bishopsgate (Sir Thomas Gresham) to open Royal Exchange.[7]

Jan. 20 < > 29. Whitehall.[8]

Feb. 25-27 (S.). Chapel, Windsor Chapel, and Paul's.

March 2. Greenwich.[9]

March 31 < > Apr. 2. Whitehall.[10]

Apr. 20. Visit to St. George's Fields.[11]

Apr. 29. Queen at wedding of Marquis of Northampton and Helena von Snavenberg or Snachenberg.[12]

May 1-3. Tilt, tourney, barriers.[13]

June 7, 8. Visit to Osterley (Sir Thomas Gresham).[14]

c. Apr.-July. Two visits to Bermondsey (Earl of Sussex).[15]

July 7 < > 8. Hampton Court.[16]

July-Aug. Visits to Horsley (Earl of Lincoln), Oatlands, Byfleet.[17]

Aug. 8 < > 12-Sept. 22. Progress in Middlesex, Herts., and Essex.[18]*

  1. Sp. P. ii. 239.
  2. P. C. (June 18, 20).
  3. C. A.; Works Accounts in Rawl. MS. A. 195^c; P. C.; S. P. D. (Sept. 25); S. P. F. (Aug. 8; Sept. 7, 26); Procl. 657, 658; Finch MSS. (Hist. MSS.); Burghley, Diary; Hatfield MSS. i. 481; Wiffen, i. 474; Digges, 5; Shaw, ii. 74; La Mothe, iii. 240, 246, 258, 264, 289.
  4. La Mothe, iii. 317; P. C. (Sept. 30).
  5. P. C. (Nov. 6, 7).
  6. P. C. (Jan. 14, 19); La Mothe, iii. 434.
  7. Holinshed, iii. 1224; La Mothe, iii. 443, 450, 454; Margaret's, 18.
  8. P. C. (Jan. 29).
  9. Sp. P. ii. 295; Rutland MSS. i. 91.