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Lane), Bicester (Mr. More, Aug. 27), Rycote (Sir Henry Norris), Ewelme, Wallingford (Thomas Parry at College), Yattendon (Sir Henry Norris?), Donnington Castle, Newbury (Sept. 12, 13), Aldermaston (William? Forster), Reading (Queen's house, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Gare, Sept. 18?).

Sept. 22. Windsor.[1]

Oct. 3 < > 20. Hampton Court.[2]

Dec. 26. Rich's.


Jan. 1. Paul's.

Feb. 12. Whitehall.[3]

Feb. 22 (S.T.). Windsor Chapel.

May 6. Greenwich.[4]

May 15 (?). Visit of Earl of Leicester and Odo de Coligny, Cardinal of Châtillon, to Oxford, with The Destruction of Thebes.[5] July 21. Richmond, by Lambeth.[6] July 29. Oatlands.[7] Aug. 5 < > 8-Sept. 23 or 24. Progress in Surrey and Hants.[8] Chertsey (Sir William FitzWilliam?), Woking (Aug. 9), Guildford (Aug. 10, 12), Farnham (Bp. Winchester, Aug. 14, 17, 20, 22) with visit to Kingsley (Nicholas Backhouse), Odiham, Basing (Marquis of Winchester, Aug. 27, 29; Sept. 1), Abbotstone (Lord St. John), Soberton (Anne, Lady Lawrence), Tichfield (Lady Southampton, Sept. 4, 6), Southampton Tower (Sept. 6?, 8, 9, 14), Melchet (Richard? Audley), Mottisfont (Lord Sandys), Wherwell (Sir Adrian Poynings), Hurstbourne? (Sir Robert Oxenbridge), Steventon (Sir Richard Pexall), The Vine in Sherborne St. John (Lady Sandys, Sept. 22), Hartley Wintney (Lady Mason), Bagshot (Sir Henry Sutton). Sept. 23 or 24. Windsor.[9] Nov. 17. Accession day first kept.[10] c. Dec. Visit to Bisham (Lady Hoby).[11] Dec. 27. Windsor Chapel.


Jan. 6. Chapel.

Jan. 20. Hampton Court.[12]

  1. Sp. P. ii. 73.
  2. S. P. D. (Oct. 3); Burghley, Diary (Oct. 20).
  3. La Mothe, i. 203.
  4. C. A.; Sp. P. ii. 149; Feuillerat, Eliz. 124 (May 10); Nichols, i. 257 (May 9). The May 11 of La Mothe, i. 373, must be an error.
  5. Cf. ch. iv.
  6. Sp. P. ii. 178, 180. The July 27 or 28 of La Mothe, ii. 100, 133, 138, must again be an error.
  7. Sp. P. ii. 182.
  8. C. A.; Works Accounts in Rawl. MS. A. 195^c; S. P. F. (Sept. 4) Sc. P. (Aug. 12, 20); Sp. P. ii. 189, 191; P. C. Wales (Aug. 22); Burghley, Diary; Hatfield MSS. i. 418, 421, 435; Camden, 420; Nichols, i. 261; Finch MSS. (Aug. 9); V. H. Surrey, iii. 383; Lodge, i. 480, 482, 483, 485; La Mothe, ii. 196, 218, 223, 229, 237.
  9. Lodge, i. 483, 485; S. P. F. (Sept. 24); Parker Letters (Sept. 24).