Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/136

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Jan. 4. King's.

Jan. 6. King's. Mask (by Campion) for wedding of Lord Hay and Honora Denny. Jan. 8. King's.

Jan. 13, 24, 30. Prince's (three plays). Feb. 1. Prince's.

Feb. 2. King's (Barnes's Devil's Charter). Feb. 5. King's.

Feb. 11. Prince's.

Feb. 15 (S.S.). King's.

Feb. 27. King's.

March 24. Tilt.[1]

May c. 20-24. Entry on Theobalds, with entertainment by Jonson.[2] May 25. Tilt for Prince de Joinville. Play (Aeneas and Dido) at banquet by Earl of Arundel for Anne.[3] June 12. Visit to Lord Mayor and Clothworkers.[4] July 16. Visit to Merchant Taylors, with speech by Jonson.[5] July 19. Windsor, by Oatlands?[6] Aug. Progress in Hants and Wilts.[7] Basing (Marquis of Winchester, Aug. 5), Romsey, Beaulieu (Earl of Southampton, Aug. 10, 12), Salisbury (Aug. 14-23), and possibly Isle of Wight. Aug. 23 < > Sept. 7. Windsor.[8] Sept. 23 < > 27. Hampton Court.[9] Oct. 27 < > 29. Whitehall.[10] Nov. 19. Prince's.

Dec. 26, 27, 28. King's (three plays). Dec. 30. Prince's.


Jan. 2. King's.

Jan. 3. Prince's.

Jan. 4. Prince's. Fireworks.[11] Jan. 6. King's (two plays). Jan. 7. King's.

Jan. 9. King's.

Jan. 10. Queen's mask (Mask of Beauty). Jan. 17. King's (two plays). Jan. 26. King's.

  1. Boderie, ii. 144.
  2. Boderie, ii. 253; V. P. x. 501.
  3. Boderie, ii. 247, 264, 'Et à la fin d'icelui se présenta une Tragédie d'Enée et de Didon, qui les tint jusques à deux heures après minuit'.
  4. Stowe, Annales, 890; V. P. x. 8; Nichols, ii. 133.
  5. Cf. ch. iv.
  6. S. P. D.; Margaret's; Shaw; Procl. 1044; Birch, i. 68 (misdated), 'The King went home yesterday'.
  7. S. P. D.; Procl. 1046; Shaw; Winwood, ii. 328; Rymer, xvi. 664; Hunter, Hallamshire, 95.
  8. S. P. D.
  9. Shaw; Winwood, ii. 344; Lodge, app. 102.