Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 4).pdf/137

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Feb. 2, 7 (S.S.). King's (two plays). Feb. 9. Mask (by Jonson) for wedding of Viscount Haddington and Elizabeth Radcliffe. March 24. Tilt.[1] May 13 < > 19. Greenwich.[2] July 1. Whitehall.[3] July 7 < > 14-Aug. 14 < > 28. Progress in Herts., Beds., and Northants.[4] Theobalds (July 14-20) with visit to Lamer in Wheathampstead (Sir John Garrard, July 19), Toddington (Lady Cheyne, July 24, 25), Grafton (Duke of Lennox, Aug. 1-3), Alderton (Sir Thomas Hesilrige, Aug. 4), Holdenby (Duke of York, Aug. 5-14) with visit to Bletsoe (Lord St. John, Aug. 5). Aug. 14 < > 28. Windsor.[5] Sept. 4 < > 17. Hampton Court.[6] Oct. 1 < > 21. Whitehall.[7] Christmas. Plays this winter by King's (twelve), Queen's (five), Prince's (three), and Children of Blackfriars (three).[8] 1609 Jan. 1. Children of Blackfriars (Middleton's Trick to catch the Old One). Jan. 4. Children of Blackfriars.

Feb. 2. Queen's mask (Mask of Queens).

Feb. 28 (S.T.). Ringing.[9]

March 24. Tilt.[10]

Apr. 11. Visit to Durham House for opening of Britain's Burse.[11]

Apr. 18. Baiting.[12]

May 6 < > 15. Greenwich.[13]

June 23. Lion baiting in Tower.[14]

July 6. Whitehall.[15]

July 22. Windsor.[16]

July 23-Aug. 20 < > 31. Progress in Surrey, Hants, Wilts., Dorset.[17] Farnham (Bp. of Winchester, July 23-26), Basing (Marquis of Winchester, July 26), Beaulieu (Earl of Southampton, Aug. 3-7), Salisbury (Aug. 15, 20), Cranborne (Aug. 17-19), Tarrant.

Aug. 20 < > 31. Windsor.[18]

Sept. 1 < > 7. Hampton Court.[19]

Oct. 30. Whitehall.[20]

Christmas. Plays this winter by King's (thirteen) and Children of Whitefriars (five).

  1. Boderie, iii. 195.
  2. Shaw; Winwood, ii. 403.
  3. Margaret's.
  4. Birch, i. 76; Procl. 1063-4; S. P. D. (July 14, 18, 20, 24; Aug. 10); Rymer, xvi. 673; Lodge, App. 126; Shaw; Nichols, ii. 203.
  5. S. P. D. (Aug. 28).
  6. Procl. 1065; S. P. D. (Sept. 17).
  7. Procl. 1066; S. P. D. (Oct. 21).
  8. Birch, i. 85 (Jan. 3), 'a dull and heavy Christmas hitherto'.
  9. V. P. xi. 243, 246.