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                              Chamber Accounts. Revels Accounts.

Performance. Payees. Amount. Warrant.

1558-60 (Pipe Office, Declared Accounts, Roll 541, mm. 17, 22).

— 'Quenes . . . enterlude players £6 13s. 4d.[1] F. 34 (1555-60). 'ffurnisshinge
      for her hyghnes accustomed a pley by the children of the
      rewarde dewe vnto them at Chapple.'
      Newe yeres tyde.'

— 'to players of enterludes.' £13 6s. 8d. F. 79 (1558-9). 'playes and
                                                                                                     other pastymes sett forthe and
                                                                                                     shewen in her Maiesties presence.'

1560-1 (D. A. 541, m. 28).

Xmas. 'Lorde Robte Dudleyes £6 13s. 4d. 21 Jan. (W.); C. xxvii.

Xmas. 'Sebastiane Westcott M^r of £6 13s. 4d. 21 Jan. (W.); C. xxvii.
       the Children of Polles.'

1561-2 (D. A. 541, m. 37).

Xmas. 'Lorde Robert Dudeleys £6 13s. 4d. 6 Jan.

Xmas. 'Sebestiane Westcote M^r of £6 13s. 4d. 6 Jan.
       the Children of Powles.'

— 'Sebastiane Westecote M^r of £6 13s. 4d. 9 Mar. (W.); C. xxvii.
       the Children of Powles.'

1562-3 (D. A. 541, m. 47).

Xmas. 'playo^{res} of the Lorde Robte £6 13s. 4d. 10 Jan. (W.); C. xxviii;
        Duddeley.' D. vii. 134.

Xmas. 'M. of the children of Poles.'[2] £6 13s. 4d. 10 Jan. (W.); C. xxviii;
                                                                        D. vii. 134.
1563-4 (no entry in D. A.).

                                                                                                     F. 116. 'Charges agaynst Cristmas
                                                                                                     and Candelmas ffor iij
                                                                                                     plays at Wyndsor.'[3]