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1564-5 (D. A. 541, m. 67).

Xmas 'therle of Warwickes players.' £13 6s. 8d. 18 Jan. (W.); C. xxviii;
(2 plays). D. vii. 187.

Xmas. 'Sebastian Westcote M^r of the £6 13s. 4d.[1] 18 Jan. (W.); C. xxviii; F. 117. 'in Ienevery ffor cayrtene
Children of Powles.' D. vii. 187. playes by the gramar
                                                                                                  skolle of Westmynster and the
                                                                                                  childerne of Powles.'

2 Feb 'Sebastian Westcott M^r of the £6 13s. 4d. 9 Mar. (W.); C. xxviii;
Children of Poles.' D. vii. 204.

                                                                                                  F. 116. 'Cristmas . . . ffor a
                                                                                                  maske and a showe and a play
                                                                                                  by the childerne of the Chaple.'

                                                                                                  [In margin] 'Edwardes tragedy'.
                                                                                                  F. 117. 'The xviij^{th} of februerie
                                                                                                  . . . for a play maid by Sir
                                                                                                  Percivall Hartts sones with a
                                                                                                  maske of huntars and diuers
                                                                                                  devisses and a rocke or hill ffor
                                                                                                  the ix musses to singe vppone
                                                                                                  with a vayne of sarsnett dravven
                                                                                                  vpp and downe before

                                                                                                  F. 117. 'Shroftid [4-6 March]
                                                                                                  . . . new and diuers showes
                                                                                                  made by the gentillmen of
                                                                                                  Greys Ine.'

                                                                                                  [In margin] 'Gentillmenne of
                                                                                                  y^e Innes of Court. Diana,

  1. In P. C. Acts, by an obvious error, £7 13s. 8d.